Photo Story Friday

Photo Story Friday: Forced to Smile



This is Jazz. He was probably in the 1st or 2nd grade here. This was the class Valentine party and yes, I made him stop, pose and smile in front of his classmates – hence the stiffness of his smile. lol

The little box magnet on the file cabinet with his picture in it was the craft they made together, as a class.

And yes, he’s wearing Polo.

My kids had STYLE in grade school. Now? I’m lucky if I can get them to change their t-shirts on a daily basis.

Friday Fun

Aloha Friday: Would You Trade?

Aloha! Kailani is the brain-child behind this fun Friday meme. If you feel inclined to answer my question, please post your answer in the comment section. Sound fun? Of course it does! Want to answer more questions? Hop over to An Island Life and play along!

(Please feel free to answer the question below, even if you’re not playing Aloha Friday!)

My question:

Are there people you envy enough to want to trade lives with? Who are they?

My answer: Well, nobody famous, that’s for sure. I mean, okay, the money would be nice. But to be forced to put up with the paparazzi always in my face and having every little thing I did or said in public scrutinized and criticized? No thank you!

Your turn.