About Karen

Karen is mom to two young men (in their 20’s!). She has been married to the same wonderful, patient, thoughtful and generous man for 30 years.

Karen works in the health care field doing all sorts of things she can’t even pronounce, let alone talk about. (Pst. I hear she LOVES her job. Which, you’ll hear that too, if you read her blog for any length of time).

She also has a degree in Professional Writing though is more interested in pursuing a career in creative writing.

She also feels weird talking about herself in third person but has read that it sounds more professional when you set your about page up that way so …

She’s here. She’s watching you read this, actually.

Now she’s pretty sure she has just creeped you out.


If you’re interested in contacting Karen about potentially partnering with your product or service, please go here.

Blogging Experience

Karen has been blogging for so many years, she has lost track. (HOW did that happen??) However, she has gotten lazy over the past few years but is working on making a comeback and is actively working on posting as often as her pea brain, and her energy level allows.

She writes about anything that comes to mind, but for the most part, she writes about the art of writing, her life, her fiction, politics and religion. She always has a lot to say about nothing.

Comments are generally turned off. Why? Because she has family who read her blog posts and sometimes people just aren’t nice and write before they think, which upsets her family, which is strictly prohibited. So she has turned off comments in order to focus her energies on other things – like real life. (And this way, she can pretend she’s talking to herself and not the vast space that is the Internet and she doesn’t get freaked out that way).

More About Karen

Karen is a soft-hearted, compassionate optimist who loves to help people. But she does have limitations and is quite flawed. She also gets quite impatient with people who choose to spend their time and energy whining, complaining, lamenting, reflecting on their situation as opposed to getting out there and doing something about it.

She is also fairly honest (or as honest as one can be on the Internet) with herself and her readers and quite often will not apologize for her opinions.

The first rule of writing is: “Always keep your audience in mind” and that’s exactly what she does. WFK contains snippets of her life, her writing and (hopefully) useful information for generally anyone who cares to read her thoughts.

She respects her family and friends and will never post anything derogatory or offensive (she hopes).

Karen has also been delving into the world of podcast and is having a lot of fun with that. She records a weekly podcast with her husband, and then by herself. To find out more about about these podcasts, please visit the podcast pages – the link is on the main navigation bar at the top of this page.

Mission Statement:

The purpose behind WFK is to document Karen’s life. This blog is about her thoughts, her feelings, her life experiences and her writing.

WFK is a WYSIWYG blog – what you see is what you get. Karen will not play head games, participate in Internet gossip and will not actively, or purposefully, hurt or belittle anyone. She has no desire to argue with people. In fact, it’s safe to say, she will rarely argue at all. She knows her mind and is not afraid to verbally express it.

She would like to openly thank everyone who visits and reads (or skims, whatever). Her life is a little less lonely because of you.

Peace out.