Kitchen Saga

Kitchen Saga: And On the Sixth Day, They Had Cabinets

Ladies and gentlemen,


we have cabinets!!

I’ll blog more about it on Monday. Now? I have to paint and sort through boxes of kitchen junk because there is NO WAY I’m going to allow anything gross and/or ancient back into my new, CLEAN kitchen.

(I have to document every precious moment of this because this will be the cleanest my kitchen will EVER be from this point on, let me assure you.)


Jazz it Up

(Update from last post: The Internet came back on when I got home from the library – naturally. And it was indeed our service provider. But I can’t complain, because they rarely have problems and it was only down for a few hours so …. life goes on).

I had to get up at 6:00 this morning.

On a Saturday.

While all of my guys got to sleep in.

But I wasn’t bitter because it was for a good cause. Jazz had his first jazz performance of the year today.

Kevin couldn’t go with me, he had to stay at the house to let the cabinet guy in, so it was just me and Jazz. (Dude didn’t go because HELLO, it’s Saturday – nothing short of an earthquake could get that boy out of bed before 10:00 on the weekend).

Jazz Festival - MSU - 2-27-10

It went well. I was a bit annoyed that their conductor had the kids begin before they were even settled, but when you’re on a timetable, you have to make do.

They played three songs. The first one sounded a bit sluggish (probably due to the fact that they were rushed), the second song sounded better and the third song made up for the first. I thought they sounded great and as usual, I was bursting with pride.

I asked Jazz how he thought he did after the performance and he had to be extra hard on himself, of course. He always is after a performance. He was pretty happy with nearly everything, except for the last song when the trumpets came in late (like I would know, but this is what he said). He was also upset because his belt buckle put a few more scratches in his saxophone bell, but you know, we didn’t buy him that black Cannonball so he could look at it, we bought it for him to enjoy and that’s what I told him. This is a magical time period for him and I want him to enjoy every minute of it.

I took a video, of course. I’ll post that whenever I get it online.

He’s got a big festival in Pittsburgh Kansas next weekend. We won’t be going to that but he’s really looking forward to it. He went with his 8th grade class last year and said it was a blast. He really loves jazz and in fact told me today that out of all the band activities that he’s involved with, jazz is his absolute favorite.

It really warms my heart that he has a passion for music and I thoroughly enjoy listening to him play. I hope he continues to pursue music after high school.