
My Birthday Boys

Happy (sweet) 16th birthday, GD!!

Happy birthday, Husband!!

I’ll never forget this day, back in 1992, for as long as I live. I was eight months pregnant and speed walking through the mall trying to find something to give the husband for his birthday the night before. Didn’t we also have fish that night too, honey? It seems, in retrospect, that having fish was a trigger, but I can’t really remember that part very well.

All I know, is that about 3:00 o’clock in the morning, my water broke and I tried to wake the husband up and he rolled over and said to go back to sleep (yes, we’ve since TEASED him about that over the years). I was in denial. Our baby wasn’t supposed to be born at that time, he was supposed to be born in January – he was eight weeks too early.

I finally called the doctor’s office right at 9:00 o’clock because the pain was becoming unbearable. They told me, in no uncertain terms, to get my ass into the hospital NOW.

GD was born just a few hours later.

We still don’t know why I went into labor that day, but I blame myself. I pushed myself to the limits and paid the ultimate price, a premature baby. GD was in the hospital for six weeks (he came home two days after Christmas – that was the worst/best Christmas of my life). GD had a blood infection (because I waited too long to go to the hospital after my water broke) and had to have a blood transfusion.

There are many things I feel guilty about with the birth of my first child. But we prayed to God to give him strength and he did – he’s now the man you see today. (And may I just say, can anyone else see his mustache?? *SQUEE!*)

Nearly everyone we came into contact with November 18, 1992, wished the husband happy birthday and commented on his precious gift. Never let it be said that I don’t give AWESOME birthday gifts.

Happy birthday guys, I love you.