
Welcome to K and K Accounting

So, the office thing …


This just sort of “happened.” One day we were talking about it, we went and looked at this office, the price was right, we liked the location (close to home, right off a busy highway) and BAM, Kevin signed the lease and moved in.

Actually, he signed the lease while I was at the clinic trying to figure out what was going on with my intestinal issues. In fact, he was talking to the landlord and setting up the details at the exact moment the clinic said to me, “Um. We can’t help you and by the way, you need to go to the ER, as in NOW.”

I text him in the middle of that meeting – talk about bad timing.

But that’s the story of our lives, whenever anything new and/or big happens, it HAPPENS quickly. I mean, this was planned, sort of. Kevin has been talking about starting his own accounting company for as long as I’ve known him and considering he’s a CPA and can do anything from audits to taxes, he’s really a one-man show anyway. (Did I mention he has over 20 years experience in the field??)

Our landlord is the nicest man! He has really bent over backwards to accommodate us and make us feel welcome. In fact, the desk and credenza you see Kevin using in the picture above came with the office, so that saved us a ton of money right there.

The furniture you see in the welcome area is from his dad’s shop. (He sells arch supports and is planning on closing down later this year). The file cabinets were in his office at home (that is now his music studio) so that just left buying a desk for me. He found one online for a pretty good price, but the snag is the delivery. It will come in about three different boxes and the delivery guys will leave it at the curb. ??????? I don’t know, that’s just how they do business. So Kevin will have to make sure he’s available the day it’s delivered otherwise the center will have three mysterious looking boxes sitting around when it’s delivered.

So here we go. We’re trying the small business thing. This might not be the best time to do this considering we have a president who appears to be anti-small business, but we’re going to give it a shot. Kevin will be freelancing for his old company (they are still wrapping things up from their liquidation in ’09) and he knows a lot of people in the accounting industry here in town, so hopefully when word gets out he’ll start getting some clients. He plans on advertising on Criagslist as well as in our local paper. I’m purchasing a domain name for him today so I can start building his website (I’ll let you know when it’s finished), and he was supposed to contact our landlord today to get the name of the guy who does the lettering for both the building and the door.

The name of the company is K and K Accounting and Kevin has already applied and been approved for a business license, so things are progressing nicely. We’re really excited about this new venture, but I’ll be honest, I’m also a bit nervous – I’ll rest easier when he gets a few clients under his belt. I plan on expanding my website business as well as try and find a part-time job in some office somewhere. (Kevin sent me a bunch of links to some job sites today, as a matter of fact). Now that my intestinal issues have been resolved (knock on wood), I should be set to work without any complications. (Again, knock on wood).

While I was in the hospital, Kevin not only took care of me, he spent a lot of time putting his office together as well as took care of the boys and he’s never been happier. He LOVES staying busy and it’s really fun to see his eyes light up whenever he talks about going into “HIS” office. I think he missed it and he certainly looks forward to being his own boss.

I feel really bad that I wasn’t available to help him put his office together, but I’m looking forward to having my own office space to do something with. Kevin acts pretty excited for me as well, though I suspect he’s excited about me getting out of the house and into some actual clothes (as opposed to sweats. I never leave the house so WHY would I dress up every day? It doesn’t make sense. But now I have a chance to get out into the working world and I’ll be honest, I’m looking forward to getting out of the house. I’ve been cooped up at home for the past seven years, it’s definitely time for a change).

I met Kevin for lunch today and took a short video of his office. (By the way, he has given me permission to talk about all of this as well as give you the name of his company. The more who know about this venture, the better, right??) I’m really proud of him and I’m quite confident that he’ll make this work. Kevin is the type of man who really puts 150% into anything that he does and he always succeeds. I’m really excited to see where he takes this next chapter of our lives.

Thanks for watching and wish us luck!

Abundant Life

Audio Teaching: The Last Week Of Christ’s Life

by by John Schoenheit
Here is a masterful exposition of what the Word of God actually says about one of the most critical weeks in “His-story.” Tradition has greatly distorted much of the beautiful truth about the events leading up to and including our Savior’s death and resurrection, and this teaching should greatly enhance your love for the written Word of God in all its perfection. It should also increase your love for the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Click the arrow to listen.

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