
Bandwagons are Silly

At the Office - 1/11/11

Working at the office today. My desk still hasn’t arrived yet, Kevin called the company and they were waiting on the conference table, which is on back order, so they could ship everything together. But he told them to go ahead and send the desk, just send the table whenever it finally gets in.

It’s freeeeezing in here. Kevin turns the thermostat way down when he leaves at night so it takes a while for the office to warm up. I’m currently working with my coat on and my toes are frozen. But hey, at least our utility bill should be pretty low.


It snowed here yesterday and last night, I think we only got about an inch and a half, but it’s cold, like only a high of 20 cold and the windchill might be in the negatives. Our school district kept our schools open and people are throwing FITS over it. Honestly? It’s cold, and there are slick spots, but it’s really not that bad. I did feel sorry for the kids that had to walk and/or ride the bus this morning, that couldn’t have been fun. Hopefully they were bundled up.

But some of the complaints on the district’s Facebook page didn’t make any sense to me. For example: what about the poor kids that can’t afford winter coats, gloves, etc.? I don’t understand this argument. We have a clothing bank that supplies winter clothing to kids who need that sort of thing (for free!) so I can’t help but wonder why parents wouldn’t adequately clothe their children for this type of weather. Even if they don’t get the clothing from the clothing bank, (did I mention it’s free?), buy coats and other winter accessories when it goes on sale in the off season. In other words, prepare. We live in an area that gets ice and snow every year – EVERY YEAR – it’s not like this is a surprise or a rare occurrence. And anyone who lives in this city knows that our district is rather notorious for NOT calling off school in weather like this so … why aren’t they prepared?

I’ve been truly flabbergasted at the number of nasty comments on the district’s Facebook wall. I also wonder if their reactions are being noticed by their children and what sort of lesson those children are learning from all of this. That when the weather gets a little bad stay home and complain? Most jobs expect you to show up, rain, shine, snow or ice … I just wonder if parents are aware that their children are learning future coping skills from them.

Our boys? Didn’t even complain. In fact, they weren’t even surprised that the school didn’t cancel school. They got up and got ready as usual. They knew that there was no way we were allowing them to stay home, that when something like this happens, we tend to just shrug it off and say, “Oh well. We’ll deal with it.” They don’t even bother asking to stay home anymore because we’ve always been consistent in our answers – nope. We’ll get an earlier start and drive very slowly.

Though I understand everyone has different circumstances and must make the choice whether to keep their kids home themselves, I do wonder how they handle these situations and what sort of lessons their children take away from times like these. Children are sponges, they soak up this sort of stuff whether we’re aware of it or not.

I don’t jump on bandwagons … I prefer to stand back and watch people fight for a seat and make fools of themselves, myself. It’s really quite interesting to watch. Not to mention sad and a little disturbing, quite honestly.

Updated: I couldn’t take the insane comments on our district’s Facebook page anymore. I responded with:

I’ve read these comments all day and I’m confused. This weather is not unusual for our area. We have cold snaps come through every year.

Every. Year.

And every year, people get upset on whatever the district decides to do; the district can’t… win. I’m sure it’s a tough call, either way. It’s our job, as parents, to teach our children to adapt to the situation/circumstance.

I guess I don’t understand why people aren’t prepared. If children need coats, scarves, hats, gloves, etc. there are places you can go to get them: PTA Clothing Bank, churches, charities, thrift stores, garage sales, off-season sales. My point is, we know there will be days like this, have a plan, prepare. Talk to the kids. Prepare them. If they have to wait for the bus, then tell them to stamp their feet to stay warm. If they’re walking, then make sure they have adequate footwear and are wearing hats and scarves. If we’re driving them, then leave earlier and drive slower – show the kids, by example, how to navigate weather like this.

If parents sincerely don’t want to send their kids on days like this, then don’t send them. Again, have a plan, prepare where they will go before hand. And that’s it. Don’t grumble or insult other parents who have other plans or opt to do something different.

This has nothing to do with money, with education, with what side of town we live on but all about individual choices and preparing our children to endure these hardships. Just wait until they gets jobs, jobs don’t have snow days. Bosses will expect their employees to show up, regardless of the weather.

As far as the school’s responsibility, I agree with what others have said – if school is going to be in session, then please make sure parking lots and sidewalks are cleared off beforehand so that everyone can arrive safely.

I truly wasn’t trying to be an asshole, but don’t you think this is common sense stuff? I swear, people don’t seem to have the capability to think for themselves anymore. Maybe it’s just me. *shrug*