Tuesday Stuff, Writing Stuff

Writing That Shines

I enjoy finding new voices. (Well, new to me, at least). Here are a few I think worthy of attention:

Sneaky Hate Spiral” from Hyperbole and a Half

The Diving Board” from Ministry So Fabulous! (Wow)

The Breakdown of: Friendship” from 10% Fiction

The Daughter of an Abortion Protester” from It’s a Beautiful Wreck

The Golden Rose” from Paulo Coelho

Cold Feet” from Just Eat Your Cupcake

The Ache” from All Adither (Wow – again)

On (not) Getting a Diagnosis” from No Points For Style

Feminism: A Four Letter Word No More” from Nerdy Vernacular

The Right to Say Goodbye” from Miserable Bliss

These people inspire me to be a better writer.

You can find many more interesting reads at Five Star Friday.

Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction: Get Out There and Vote

writing prompt: Proposition C

“Are you ready?”

“For what?”

“To go vote.”

“Is that today?”

Cathy sighed and shook her head. “What happened to you being all gung-ho about protecting our rights? About how we needed to send our politicians a message. You were all passionate about how we needed to get out there and make our voices heard. You know, about how change isn’t going to happen if we don’t get off our butts, get out there and MAKE things happen? Where did that passion go?”

Alison shrugged. “It’s too hot to vote. I’m all comfy, sitting here, watching my favorite soap … it would be a crime to move.” She tipped back her head and tossed a grape into her mouth.

“Tough. We’re going. Put on your shoes,” Cathy snapped and tugged Alison up from the bean bag chair that had nearly swallowed her tiny body whole.

Alison grumbled while putting on her shoes, she complained while grabbing her purse, she became obstinate and cranky while driving to the polling place.

“Who are you going to vote for?” Cathy asked while she navigated traffic.

“I’m not telling you that!”

Cathy shot her a quick look before turning into the elementary school. Numerous signs dotted the driveway, each trying to coax you into voting for a certain person.

“You don’t know, do you.”

“Leave me alone,” Alison snapped.

Cathy put the car into park, shut off the motor and turned to her roommate.

“YOU are what is wrong with this country.”