
Video: NaNoWriMo Tips to Meet Halfway Mark

Hello fellow WriMos!

We’re nearly at the halfway mark, which means you should be close to 25,000 words. But don’t worry if you’re not, you still have the entire weekend. Just shoo your family away, fire up that laptop/computer/pad & pencil and WRITE. Don’t think about it too much, just dig in.

As you can see ——–>, I’m not there yet, but I WILL be. Here are some tips to help you reach your goal.

As for me, I have a super busy weekend planned. Today, I’m heading up to the motorcycle place to pick up Kevin’s dirt bike (dirty carburetor), and possibly trade it in for a street bike (if that actually happens, watch for another post).

Then? Grocery shopping. (Boo).

Then? WRITE! I will likely go to the MSU library, with Red Bull in hand, and furiously write one, two, possibly three? (HA! Right) stories.

Tomorrow, I have laundry, other household chores, family time and THEN more writing. That’s IF I can get away from my family. My guys (and by “my guys”, I mean my hunky husband) tend to get a wee bit cranky whenever I pour all of my attention into my writing and not them. 🙂

So, the word for this weekend?!


random stuff, Saturday Stuff

Simon’s Cat: Cat Man Do

As you all know, I’m not a big animal person. I don’t dislike them, per se, I just don’t have a desire to own one any time soon.

With that said, I LOVE looking at pictures and watching videos of animals – animated animals are no exception.

I’m pretty sure children do this, too. It’s a good thing they’re cute. 😀

You can find out more about the author of this animation,Simon Tofield, at his website.

Have a GREAT Saturday, everyone!