random stuff

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You? Also, Naps are Good.

Video Summary:

1. Fetal position – comfort, safety, shy, sensitive and introverted – kind, soft hearted

2. Stomach – skydiver position – open, playful, fun loving, brash, straight forward, take risks, bold, sociable, sensitive to criticism

3. Back – sleepy soldier – strong, silent personality, disciplined, hard working, structure, take themselves seriously, perfectionist.

4. Side – the log – talkative, charming, friendly, trusting and warm, gullible and naïve

5. Back, arms overhead – starfish – amiable, mild-mannered and easy to get along with, supportive, good communication skills, loyal.

6. With leg raised – unpredictable and adventurous personality, emotional, temperamental, moody, driven, competitive and charismatic, leaders, center of attention

Me? My sleeping position is actually not mentioned here. I sleep sitting up.

I know, weird! But it’s comfortable for me and I breathe easier sleeping up. There will be nights that I will jerk awake and am STILL sitting up nearly six hours later. When that happens, I know I got some deep sleep. I also sleep on my back, (but wake myself up snoring so I don’t keep that position for long), side and with my leg raised. I NEVER sleep on my stomach, (that’s actually not a great position for your back) and rarely in the fetal position because it makes my legs sore.


Video Summary:

1. There are different types of nappers
A. Habitual
B. Planned
C. Emergency

2. One bad nap can throw your entire sleep cycle off

3. Naps cannot fully make up for lost night sleep

4. Naps have an ideal duration
*Experts suggest drinking caffiene before a power nap since caffiene takes approxmately 20 minutes to kick in.

5. Your body has an ideal nap time
*Best time to nap is in the middle of your wake cycle

6. Naps can improve your immune system

7. Naps have a positive impact on your memory

8. Naps – full night’s sleep for learning

9. Naps improve alertness and performance

10. Naps can lift your mood.

11. They are good for your heart
*Decrease blood pressure

12. Naps have a positive impact on your physical health

I thought the naps information was interesting. I used to take a lot of naps, not so much anymore now that I am drinking caffeine on the weekends and taking iron. (Iron has REALLY helped my fatigue). I also found it extremely interesting about drinking caffeine, then taking a nap allowing the caffeine time to kick in by the time you wake up. I’ll have to remember that.

So how about you? What is your primary sleeping position and do you take naps? Why, or why not?

random stuff

This or That?


Dog or Cat?
Neither – I don’t like animals. (*collective gasp*)

Netflix or YouTube?
Mmm… tough one. I love them both. But probably Netflix

Phone Call or Text?
Definitely text – I LOATHE talking on the phone. 

Toast or Eggs?
Another tough one – both? Okay fine, eggs.

Cardio or Weights?
Cardio – I’m already an Amazon woman, why would I want to bulk up more??

Facebook or Twitter?
Definitely Facebook

Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?
Ice Cream Cone!

Mobile Games or Console Games?
Console (better yet – board games!)

While walking: Music or Podcasts?

iOS or Android?
Absolutely, positively Android – (I am NOT an Apple fan)

Pop or Indie?

Cake or Pie?
ACK! I love them both … I’ll choose pie, then follow it up with cake. That’s not cheating, right??

Swimming or Sunbathing?
Yuk – both require a swimsuit – probably sunbathing

High-tech or Low-tech?

Big Party or Small Gathering?
Small Gathering (the smaller, the better – hate parties)

New Clothes or New Phone?
New Phone

Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?
Loyal Friend

Football or Basketball?
Hhmm … it’s fun to watch football because of the butts. Basketball is just fun to watch – I’ll choose Basketball

Work Hard or Play Hard?
Work Hard – I don’t play anything, I nap

Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?
Nice Home Interior

What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?

Jogging or Hiking?

Bath or Shower?
Shower – hands down – sitting in my own filth?? YUK

Sneakers or Sandals?

Glasses or Contacts?

Hamburger or Taco?

Couch or Recliner?

Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?
Online shopping, hands down

Receive: Email or Letter?

Passenger or Driver?
Driver – I get car sick when I’m a passenger

Tablet or Computer?
Computer – it’s hard to type on tablets

Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?
BOTH – I’m sticking to my guns on this one

Car or Truck?

Blue or Red?

Money or Free Time?

Amusement Park or Day at the Beach?
Day at the Beach

At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?
Candy (my sweet tooth will be the death of me)

Pen or Pencil?
Definitely Pen

Toilet paper: Over or Under?
Don’t care – just as long as it’s accessible

Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Up Side Down?
Upside down

Pancake or Waffle?

Coke or Pepsi?
Neither – I don’t drink soda

Coffee Cup or Thermos?
THERMOS! (We just recently converted Blake)

Blinds or Curtain?

Train or Plane?

Phone or Phablet?

Iced Coffee or Hot Coffee?
Hot Coffee

Meat or Vegetables?
Vegetables – not a big meat lover

International Vacation or a New TV?
International Vacation

Save or Spend?
Duh – have you MET me? Save, OF COURSE

Honesty or Other’s Feelings?
Honesty (suck it up, buttercup)

Coffee or Tea?

TV or Book?

Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?
Movie at Home (Gah, going to the movies is way too expensive)

Ocean or Mountains?

Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?
Comedy (I don’t do horror)

City or Countryside?

Winter or Summer?

Mac or PC?
PC (Remember the part where I don’t DO Apple??)

Console Gaming or PC Gaming?
PC Gaming (the problem with that is, you have to constantly upgrade to keep up)

Soup or Sandwich?

Card Game or Board Game?
Board Game

Classical Art or Modern Art?
Classical Art

Beer or Wine?
Definitely Wine – Beer is nasty

Camping or Binge Watching Shows at Home?
Binge Watching Shows at Home – Camping it too much work

Working Alone or Working in a Team?
Definitely Working Alone

Dine In or Delivery?

Sweater or Hoodie?

Comic Book or Comic Strips?
Comic Strips

Motorcycle or Bicycle?

Book or eBook?

When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?
HAVE TO HAVE A FAN RUNNING AT ALL TIMES – I even have a mini fan on my desk at home AND at work – have fan, will travel

Ninjas or Pirates?

TV Shows or Movies?
TV Shows

I know this was a riveting post, but do you feel like you know me better? Do you care?

Don’t answer that.

random stuff

The Power of Dance

I told you I wanted to be a dancer, didn’t I?

No? Well, now you know. But I didn’t have the flexibility for it and … oh fine, I never went down that road because dancing is HARD.

Whenever I’m feeling … off, or need to relax or simply escape, I will crawl into bed, put my earbuds on, open my Pandora app on my phone and fantasize that I’m a great dancer who spontaneously breaks into dance at work, or I’m a professional dancer on stage, or I’m simply out and about in daily life and no one ever finds that weird or disturbing and I MOVE people with the my interpretive dance.

I think that’s why I love, love, LOVE this video.

Did anyone else get goosebumps watching this?

random stuff

Long Hair is Hard

Seriously. Where have I been all this time??

I’ve been washing my hair every other day, (confession, I still wash my hair every other day), but now, when I’m feeling super lazy on the weekends, (because I don’t feel super lazy during the week – who has time??) I can spray some awesome dry shampoo, (I’m still experimenting, I don’t have a favorite, yet), put my hair into a high bun, use two long and two short spin pins and I’m good to go, baby!

Honestly, these three tricks have suddenly made my life a whole lot easier.

Yes. I know these things have been around for years but I’m slow, I’m years behind apparently.

I’m growing my hair out. And when I finally wear my hair down at work again, (in the Fall because I will spontaneously combust if I wear it down at work in the summer – TOO HOT), then people will gasp with surprise because it will be about three inches longer than it was at the beginning of the summer.

My hair grows super fast. Like, about an inch per month. Though it doesn’t seem to be growing as fast as it did – age, I guess.

I’m old.

Anyway. You may now resume your life. I know what I just shared with you was earth shattering.

You’re welcome.