
Show Your Love This Valentine’s Day in a Different Way

I thought this was an interesting alternative to spending boo-coo bucks on flowers and candy this Valentine’s Day.

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I know for me, I don’t want Kevin to spend money on me this V-Day. He shows me he loves me every day. He tells me he loves me (nearly) every day. That’s good enough for me.

I’d rather help other people than have something I already know to be true be validated and commercialized.

But that’s just me. I realize not every woman’s man is as demonstrative as mine.

So tell me ladies, do you want the whole flowers/candy thing? Or are you satisfied to simply hear an “I love you?”

4 thoughts on “Show Your Love This Valentine’s Day in a Different Way”

  1. We do not celebrate Valentines day. We make it a point to tell each other “I love you” everyday. I can think of better things to spend money on (right now diapers & formula)- the flowers die in just a couple days, the candy just adds to the waistline and I’m not the type to wear jewelry.

  2. Maybe it’s being in the lovey dovey early stages of marriage, but I like to celebrate valentines day. We don’t go crazy though – he bought me flowers this year but it was actually really unexpected and wonderful. As for the big day, it’s more about getting out and doing something romanticish together, than buying each other gifts.

  3. I’ve never understood why chocolate and flowers and expensive jewelry and other gifts like that express love. Isn’t love about the little things we do year round?

    I always give a token gift just to recognize the day, but not much more than that. The only thing I would want on Valentine’s day is time alone with my hubby. Even if it’s just eating take-out after the kids go to bed.

  4. We don;t do anything for each other for Valentine’s Day, just for the kids. Although my hubby is performing singing valentines with the Barbershop chorus today, maybe he’ll stop by my work and serenade me like he did last year. that would be special too.

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