Sunday Scribblings

Sunday Scribblings – I Regret …


I regret the fact that I do not care for animals.

I wish I did, I truly do. But when it comes right down to it, I don’t want to live with animals.

Of the wild kingdom kind, not of the human male kind. 🙂

Before I go any further, I’d like to ask that if you are an animal lover that perhaps this is not the best post for you to read. It’s never been my intention, either now nor in the past, to enrage my readers by simply being myself and/or expressing my true feelings, but I can’t apologize for the way I am, either.

I simply do not care to be around animals.

Now, for those careful readers out there, note that I said “I don’t CARE FOR animals”, I did not say I did not LIKE animals.

In fact, I’m always the first to ooh and aah over a particularly cute animal. I visit Cute Overload and Daily Puppy every day (ask my husband, he laughs at me), and I drool over the sheer cuteness of these animals.

Whenever I’m around animals I don’t freak out or act repulsed whenever they come near me – I pat them on the head, talk baby talk to them and generally act like a complete fool.

I am not afraid of animals, though the fact that they are unpredictable beings who act purely on instinct does make me a tad nervous.

And I have never, nor will ever, advocate being cruel to animals – they are innocent beings who deserve love, just like humans do.


I have no desire, none, as in absolute zero, to have them in my home or to be forced to take care of one.

Therein lies my problem.

nopets1 Ever since the boys came along, and when they were old enough to recognize a dog and say “doggie,” we’ve been fighting the should we or should we not get a dog battle. When they were little, I had the excuse that I was afraid the dog would turn on them and bite them, or something worse. And though that was definitely a valid argument, I confess to driving that point home a little harder than necessary because it gave me the perfect excuse NOT to have the animal in my home.

But then the boys got older and the issue came up again. And they (and when I say, I’m including the husband here) were PERSISTENT. And even though I tried to point out to them that if we had an indoor dog that we would have to deal with the pee, the poo, the late-night barking/whining, the chewing, the general destruction of our property, the fact that our indoor carpets would soon look like outdoor carpets, the expense of feeding and entertaining the thing, and of course the insane vet bills that didn’t discourage them, – they wanted a dog.

This persistence went on for YEARS and I finally caved.

We bought a Jack Russell Terrier puppy. And he was adorable. And playful. And insanely energetic. And we were so UNPREPARED for that type of dog, it’s not even funny. In hindsight, of course, we should have researched what sort of dog would have suited us. If we had, then we would have KNOWN that the Jack Russell Terrier breed simply wasn’t for us.

But we didn’t know this. And that dog … wow. Was like trying to catch a bouncing ball in a handball game. We couldn’t keep up with it. Our yard is not fenced in, so we couldn’t let it outside to run off it’s energy. So we took it for walks … which were a disaster because being an active breed to begin with and then the fact that he was a healthy puppy, well, let’s just say that dog took US for a run, not a walk, around the neighborhood.

And then the barking. And the whining. And the fact that it wanted to play in the middle of the night. And then the biggie, the fact that it wasn’t house broken. We tried keeping him in the carrier thing, but he just pooped in the carrier. We tried cordoning him off in our utility room, but we woke up to poop smeared all over the floor, the walls, the dog, his carrier, his food and even in his water.

It was bad enough that it made the husband gag.

I ended up despising that dog simply because I didn’t know what to do with it. To my utter surprise and disappointment, dogs don’t come with an on and off switch.

Skip, our puppy, was six months old when he got away from us and got hit by a car. In front of the boys. On my birthday. In fact, we were on our way out to my birthday dinner when it happened.

The boys were heartbroken. And it broke my heart to see them so … changed.

From that point on, I VOWED we would never have another dog.

Well guess what. The dog bug has taken a hold of our house once again. The boys are teenagers now and though they SWEAR they would take care of it, and I believe them, the fact remains that the times they weren’t here, as in every day, for six hours more than 3/4 of the year because they are at school, and even after they graduated they would be gone all day to either college or their jobs and the husband would be gone for 12 hours every week day, I would be the dog’s primary caretaker because I would be home with the animal all day, every day.

I. Simply. Do. Not. Want. That. Responsibility.

I don’t want the stress. I don’t want to donate the time it would take. The thought of bathing the dog (because wet dog smell absolutely makes me gag and EXTREMELY cranky) and leaving the bathroom wetter than the dog, DOES NOT APPEAL TO ME.

I’ve listed the pros, I’ve listed the cons, and the cons FAR OUTWEIGH the pros in my book.

The cuteness factor would fade very quickly for me and then I would be stuck taking care of an animal I did not want around to begin with and I would be angry and resentful.

I don’t want that. And I know my family doesn’t want to live with that.

So, we had an argument last night at dinner. Three against one and I feel like a big meanie for not wanting this. And the husband is not helping by giving the boys (it’s mainly GD who wants the dog) hope by saying, “Well, maybe after we get back from vacation this summer,” when he KNOWS, it’s not going to happen. He just says that so GD’s anger and resentment is directed to me when I have to become the bad guy.

And I’m SICK AND TIRED of being the bad guy all the time.

I know some of you out there are thinking, “But Karen, just give it a chance. Not all dogs are that energetic. You just had the wrong kind. If you just did this, or you just tried that, it would be all right.”

And you’d be right. We definitely made the mistake with the breed of dog the first go-around and I know there are dogs out there better suited to my personality and would be fairly easy to take care of, but the bottom line is, I don’t want to. I don’t like dogs. I know that sounds selfish, and I’m sorry, but there you go, it’s how I feel. I simply do not like dogs enough to want to take care of one.


The husband suggested trying another kind of pet. We’ve had fish in the past, but the husband ended up being the one to clean the tank because I played the girlie card and was too squeamish to deal with it, and so he doesn’t want to go that route again because it’s a huge pain in the butt (see? It’s okay for him to avoid the kind of pet that HE would have to take care of), so he’s suggesting a gerbil.

A rodent. Swell.

However, I’m a fair person. And given the fact that gerbils are quiet and contained, and relatively clean (at least I think so, you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be researching gerbils after publishing this post), I think I could agree to that.

Anything is better than a dog at this point. (Cats are out too, the husband despises cats).

So who knows? We may be making a trip to the pet store later today to look at gerbils. And if I’m posting pictures of a gerbil in tomorrow’s post, you’ll know I’m the reluctant owner of a pet gerbil.

Of all things.

Abundant Life

Teaching: God’s Namesake in Action

Every Sunday I provide videos and valuable links to the Truth or Tradition teachings. We’ve been following the Truth or Tradition teachings for many years now and they have truly blessed our family. We have found peace and happiness through our beliefs and we walk confidently for God. My hope, by passing on this information to you, is that what you find here, or on the Truth or Tradition website, will guide you to a better, more blessed and abundant life.

If you would like to read my views on religion and how we got started with the ministry, you can read this.

Let’s get started:

The following article was taken from chapter 12 of the book, One God & One Lord.

To truly understand God’s Word and put it into practice in our lives, it is imperative that we know all we can of what God reveals in His Word about who Jesus Christ is and what he accomplished for us by his life, death, resurrection and ascension. It is vital to understand what Jesus Christ will do in the age to come, but it is perhaps even more vital to understand what he is doing now in his exalted Lordship. To maximize our limitless spiritual potential, we as Christians must understand Jesus Christ in both his relationship to God and his relationship to us. Because Jesus perfectly represented God by always obeying His Word, he could, and did, say, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” If we take Jesus at his word, it seems necessary to know him in order to really know God.

In the previous chapter we discussed the relationship between God and Christ. In this chapter, we will continue this theme by focusing on the truth that God’s blood-covenant relationship with man was fulfilled in His Son Jesus, the Christ. “Jesus” (Hebrew Yeshua) is his God-given name, and means “Yahweh our Savior” or “Yahweh saves.” Jesus Christ represents a kind of synopsis of all God has done for His people throughout the ages. We will look at how, in both his earthly ministry and in his exalted ministry as Lord, Jesus embodies all the chief attributes of Yahweh given in the Old Testament.

“Idolatry” means man looking to an image, an object of worship or anything else other than the true God as a source of supernatural wisdom, power or blessing. It is not “idolatry” to look to Jesus Christ as the exalted Lord, the position to which God has elevated him. [1] It is God who chose to exalt Jesus Christ, and when we worship, honor, praise and glorify “Jesus as Lord” (Rom. 10:9; 1 Pet. 3:15), God gets the ultimate glory (John 5:23; Phil. 2:11).

In regard to the relationship between God and His Son, consider the following verse:

Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs.

Here is one of many verses in Scripture that make plain the unity of purpose of God and His Son. It was God who made the promises to the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, that is, Israel). It is Jesus Christ who will make the promises to the patriarchs come true. The reason Jesus is in a position to do so is that God has “made him both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36) and “given him all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matt. 28:18).

When the angel Gabriel spoke to Joseph and Mary, he told them the name that God had picked out for His Son (Matt. 1:21). In the Old Testament, Joshua had the same name, and was a clear type of Christ. It was by way of Joshua’s leadership that he and the nation of Israel were finally able to claim their inheritance in Canaan, which typified Israel’s future Millennial inheritance. However, the “rest” that Joshua gave them was only temporary (Heb. 4:8). Likewise, Jesus is the Agent of salvation for both Jews and Gentiles who believe on him, and for those believers God’s rest will be everlasting.

Those who adhere to the doctrine of the Trinity have long recognized that there are verses in the Old Testament that ascribe certain attributes to Yahweh, and corresponding verses in the New Testament that ascribe like attributes to Jesus Christ. This has led them to the erroneous conclusion that Jesus is in fact the Yahweh of Israel. A good example of this is found in the NIV Study Bible concerning Hebrews 1:6, which reads, “And again, when God brings His firstborn into the world, He says, ‘Let all God’s angels worship Him.’” The NIV note on this verse reads as follows: “This statement, which in the Old Testament refers to the Lord God (Yahweh), is here applied to Christ, giving clear indication of His full deity.” [2]

By “full deity,” the NIV translators mean that Jesus is “God the Son.” We do not see it that way, and we believe that understanding what we have thus far set forth clears up this error. God exalted His Son as “Lord” and delegated to him the authority and power to function in all the ways that God Himself had been functioning for His people (remember Joseph and the Pharaoh? Gen. 41:44). As he carries out his responsibility as “Lord,” Jesus Christ is now functionally equal to his Father. It was Jesus who said that all men should honor the Son even as they honor the Father, and that whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father (John 5:23). Is it really honoring Jesus to ascribe to him attributes he never claimed? Is it honoring God the Father to make Jesus “God the Son”? We think not. However, in the next section we will see that God Himself highly honored His Son Jesus (Yeshua) with “the name above every name.” We will now examine what this means.

You can read the rest of the article here.

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about God’s wonderful message, please visit the Truth or Tradition website. You can also keep track of the ministry through their Facebook page.