Project 365

Project 365: February 12th


And here we go, another week of random photos. If you want to keep track of my photos, you can subscribe to the Project 365 RSS feed.


1. GD, doing Geometry. Notice I’m no where near the boy. I’m forbidden to help with math homework. Because I suck at it!

2. This is my alarm clock. I know, big, right? This is actually our digital picture frame, that we still haven’t figured out how to put (decent looking) pictures on. But it works great for an alarm clock because the numbers are so big I can actually SEE it. And it’s MY alarm clock because Kevin and I do not sleep together. It’s complicated.

3. Kevin is helping MK with his Algebra. Notice, I’m no where near them. I sort of LIKE sucking at math.


4. This is part of the Valentine cookie batch I made to put in the boys’ lunches. I took a picture of this one with my blog visitors in mind because truly ya’ll – YOU ROCK!

5. At the dinner table. We’re having Beef and Broccoli for dinner that night. Notice how none of the guys are smiling? I interrupted their feeding time – they get cranky when I do that. *grin*

6. Me. On my way to have lunch with Kevin. It’s the only time of the week I look halfway decent. Normally, I look like this hag.

7. Kevin. He’s getting ready to take his motorcycle out for a ride because we’ve been having some really mild weather lately. (And some pretty wicked thunderstorms, too. But we won’t talk about those).

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