
At This Moment …

— I’m eating tuna and crackers. Even though I’m not particularly fond of tuna, I need the protein because tonight is a workout night and I need the energy to do both Turbo Jam and walk.

— I just finished updating several school websites and posting their February newsletters. (I LOVE doing school websites!)

— Just got a mass email from GD’s math teacher – he has his first geometry test tomorrow. *gulp*

— I read this article on BoingBoing about Life at Wal-Mart, (if you click over, be sure and read the comments, there’s an interesting dialogue going on over there), which lead me to this dude’s website and now I can’t stop thinking about “The American Dream.” I agree with Adam, achieving the American Dream isn’t so much about economic or social issues, but rather, our attitudes and willingness to work for it.

True, life isn’t fair. True, life sucks sometimes. True, some of us have to work harder because we’re stuck in less-than-ideal circumstances, but I think we waste more time complaining about it and not enough time doing something about it. The bottom line is, are we willing to endure the discomforts and inconveniences in order to grab that golden ring and succeed in life? I wonder …

— I just got an email from the husband – he wants to know if we can compromise on this dog issue. If we fence in the backyard, would I be willing to have a dog then? My very first reaction to reading his email was annoyance. Leave it alone, my mind screamed. But then right on the heels of that thought was stop being so selfish, Karen. All three of your guys want a dog, who died and made you Queen of the house?

I’m being selfish. I’m feeling bad. I’m caving.

I need to get over myself. I need to stop focusing on the negative aspects of having a pet and think about the (few) positive aspects of having a pet.

So, I’ve been researching … stay tuned. This is going to get interesting.

— I’m now on my way to the bank and then I’m going to brave this store (I always feel so old when I go into these types of stores) and see if I can’t find a fedora for GD. His buddy stayed over Friday night and of course, he came over wearing a very cool black fedora and GD’s mouth started watering. If I’m successful at finding one, I’ll post a picture of him wearing it later.

— I set up a poll in my sidebar. It’s about BlogHer. Since BlogHer is in Chicago and about 8 hours from where I live, I could easily drive there. So going for me, is plausible. The only thing is, do I want to? If you have a few minutes, can you take my poll? I’m curious to know if anyone that visits this blog is going. I’ve left an open-ended option on the poll so please fill in your own answers. I don’t know, I have mixed feelings about going …

— PU – it smells awfully fishy in here … *cough*

UPDATE: GD changed his mind on a hat. However, MK bought this one:

Day 34

Not a fedora, but more of a bowler. It suits him. NOW can we drop the hat issue? Please?!

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – February 2nd

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

February 2nd Questions:

1. When was the last time you vacuumed out your car? How often do you wash your car? Do you wash it, or do you run it through a car wash service? How much money do you generally spend to wash your car?

2. What kind of car do you drive? What color is it? Do you like your car? How long have you had it? Is it reliable? Would you recommend it to a friend? If money were no object, what car would you buy for your family? Now, which car would you buy for yourself? Do you have an opinion about people who drive expensive cars? (Jealous? Disgusted? Curious?)

3. What’s the biggest thing on your mind right this moment? Why is this issue so important to you at this time?

4. Have you ever cried when hearing about the death of a celebrity? If so, who? And if so, why? Who was the last celebrity you remember feeling sorry for? Why? Pick one celebrity you would miss if he/she were to die. Why this person?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. PhoenixTheBloggingMama
2. Jodi
3. Sue
4. Marianne
5. Judy
6. Dawn\’s Daily Life
7. Allison
8. Thea @ I\’m a Drama Mama
9. GiGi – Incrementum
10. Oregonsunshine
11. Vicki

Learn more about Monday Morning Meme here.

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