Can We Talk?

Why Don’t Friends with Kids Have Time?

My sister-in-law posted this article on Facebook and it was just too good not to share with you.


If you can’t read it, you can find the full-sized photo here.

Isn’t is AMAZING that the people who criticize the most/loudest are the people who DON’T have children?

Sheesh, what a moron. I think I’d be snipping that friendship in the bud. Who has time to “baby” friends like that? Be supportive or move on.


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Project 365

Project 365: February 5th


And here we go, another week of random photos. If you want to keep track of my photos, you can subscribe to the Project 365 RSS feed.


1. MK, doing what he does best – being blonde. *grin* This was taken at one of our weekly ice cream outings.

2. This is what the kids do when they eat lunch on the weekends – they sit at the kitchen computer (yes, we have a computer in our kitchen, hush) and watch YouTube videos. My kids are never very far from a computer monitor.

3. The husband. Snuggling under a blanket (Hey! He needs a snuggie! I wonder if he would wear one?) and resting for a change. My husband is a man who is constantly in motion. So, he completely exhausts himself. This is his body’s way of MAKING him slow down and rest. I get so impatient with him sometimes – RELAX dude!


4. Ah, the infamous hat. Ever since my nephew came over at Christmas sporting a funky-looking bowler hat, my boys have wanted one. We hadn’t had any luck finding one until a friend of GD’s stayed over this past weekend wearing one and told us where he bought his. GD ended up changing his mind about buying one (he weighed the pros and cons of spending his own money and decided it wasn’t worth the money, is he my child or what?!) but MK instantly fell in love with this hat and has in fact, not taken it off since. He would wear it to school if they would allow it.

5. These are the Valentine cookies I made (HA! That makes it sound like I actually made these things from scratch when in fact, I tore open a package and laid those suckers out on the pan – my kind of cooking!!) for the boys’ lunches. I make their lunches every day and I actively LOOK for things to embarrass them in front of their buds. *evil laugh*

6. GD has shop class this semester and he asked his dad to help him with this difficult cut. This was a challenge for GD because the boy has never handled any sort of “man” tool before and he wasn’t sure how to go about it. Though this class makes me nervous (BUZZ saw!!), it’ll be good for him. He needs to learn how to work basic tools. I like these practical classes.

7. Me. I’m getting ready to pick up the boys from school. It was an early day that day and after I picked them up, we swung by the husband’s office, picked him up and then we went and applied for our passports.