Daily Prompts

Comfort Zone, Media, Kids Today – DQ #3

Describe your comfort zone. The things you need in your life to feel safe.

I don’t have a comfort zone, I have a bubble. I always like to “jokingly”, (not really), tell people, “get out of my bubble.” I’m not a huggie person though I feel like I’m getting better and only with my family, definitely not anyone outside my family. As long as people respect my bubble, I feel happy and safe. But I’m not in a situation where I feel unsafe very often. Especially now that I work from home.

My “comfort” zone is home, in my office, the sunlight streaming through my window, the space heater thawing my bones – just peace and quiet, no drama. My family is my comfort zone.

I feel very fortunate that I have a good life. I know so many people can not say that. There are so many people who are surrounded by ugly, selfish, abusive people, who live in a perpetual state of fear and stress. I’m sorry if you’re in that situation. I hope you can get out of that situation, soon.

Life is too short to be miserable. Truly.

What is the role of most news media in shaping our beliefs for this world? Is it a message of love or one of fear they share?

Wow, this is a loaded question, buckle up, peeps.

The news media’s original role was to inform the people of what was happening locally, nationally and globally. It was created to educate people on the world outside our doors. However, these past few decades, the media no longer informs us, it tries to bully, guilt, scare us into believing whatever the agenda is for that day. It’s about preaching to us from a corrupt pulpit, to indoctrinate us to a certain way of thinking, of only ONE way of thinking. If you dare to question, or disagree, with this agenda, then the media likes to label these free thinkers insurrectionists, conspiracy theorists, far-right MAGA wackos, homophobes, transphobes, all the phobes, racists … the list goes on and on. And to my utter disbelief, people snap to attention and lock step into the group-think line because they don’t want to be labeled something, or cause any waves … and it’s just easier to go along to get along, right?


The big saying when I was growing up was QUESTION EVERYTHING. Now, if you so much as dare to ask a question you’re labeled difficult, a science denier and whatever else the current catch phrase of the moment is. It’s absolutely mind boggling to me that people just blindly trust the media. People still, STILL, think the media exists to tell us the truth, to inform us, and people just stare at the media with open mouths and blank stares and nod along with whatever madness blasts across our airwaves. It makes me sick how people choose to be ignorant on topics because it’s just easier to hide their heads in the sand than to stand up and say, “What a minute …”

There is no love, or good intent, when it comes to the media. They absolutely stoke fear in people because people who fear are easier to control and manipulate. Fear is a powerful emotion and the media knows this and has mastered the art of dishing it out to people every day.

This is why I’m a big proponent of getting your news from several different sources. Broaden your horizons. It’s hard to form an opinion, or justify a belief, if you don’t know the whole story and watching/listening to one news source is 100% only giving you one side of the story.

Be smart. Broaden your horizons and don’t allow the media to push you into a hole of fear.

How is the way you were raised helping you today?

My parents taught me to work hard and to be kind to others. I feel like those two attributes are missing from our youth today. It’s all about getting something for free and screw everyone else, what can YOU do for ME?

Also, empathy. Put yourself in someone’s else’s shoes, it teaches you to be patient and tolerant of others when you do that. You have no idea what kind of day someone is having, what kind of hardships they have in their life – be nice to one another. All human deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, as long as they are decent human beings to begin with.

Children nowadays … it scares me how out-of-control our young people are. They don’t value life because we’ve taught them that life is not precious, you can throw it away if you so choose. Fetuses aren’t babies, you’re not really a boy, you’re a girl, keeping secrets from your parents is encouraged, love is love, no matter the sex or the age, up is down and down is up … it’s no wonder children nowadays are sad, confused, angry and generally messed up. But you can’t really blame the children, they don’t know better, the parents, the grown ups in their lives, they know better and just don’t seem to care to make an effort anymore when it comes to raising kind, decent, human beings. I think this tweet pretty much sums it up:

I think she hits the head on the nail when she talks about how kids nowadays are raised without consequences. And then, when those consequences come and bite them in the buttocks, it’s definitely not their fault, nor their problem, but society’s problem. I’m with her, I’m genuinely concerned about this younger generation. Parents, it’s time to stop being your children’s friend and start being their parent. THEY NEED YOU.

Your turn.