Monday Stuff

Give Me Five More Things to Do, Baby

Yay! A new meme to try out!

I was going to participate in Laura’s Menu Plan Monday because, I don’t know, it’s Fall and I think about cooking more when it’s cooler …

But then I saw this cute little meme and thought I would play along with this one this week …

So, hi Becca’s Buzz! I hope you have room for one more player!

This week? List five things you should do this week.

ONLY five? Uh oh … I’ll try to pare it down.

1. Get my haircut like Tina Fey.

I have a MAJOR girl crush on Tina Fey. LOVE that woman. So funny. So smart. So gorgeous! I watched Baby Mama on the treadmill last night (cute! But predictable) and I just fell in love with this woman’s hair. I could easily do the same thing with my hair – EASILY. In fact, we’re scheduled to have our family pictures taken this coming Sunday and I’m sick to death of my style-less hair. So, hopefully, by the time you read this, I’ll be at the salon getting it chopped, er, shaped up.

2. Work on my NaNoWriMo outline.

Seriously, I need to get on the ball here. It’s not that I don’t have an idea of what I’m going to write, I’m just savoring the moment, sort of like when you unwrap a piece of chocolate and you take a few moments to simply sniff it and appreciate it before popping it into your mouth. Oh wait, I don’t do that, but I COULD if I had the self control …

which I don’t. But let’s not talk about that little character flaw of mine right now. We’ll save that one for around the holidays. (I, uh, go a bit NUTS on the holiday goodies. *blush*)

3. Bug the ever-loving crap out of my husband for one of these ADORABLE babies.

What. You were expecting a picture of a cute animal or something? Pfft. Folks, you don’t know me very well. I get just as worked up over cute electronic gadgets as some people do over tiny dog clothes. It’s a sickness, I tell you!

I MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE MINI DELL 9’s!!!! I will have one. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine.

4. Design a new blog design for a friend of mine.

She’s the president of our city’s PTA organization and she would like me to design a new template for their blog WHICH she plans on showing off at the State’s National PTA Annual Convention in a few weeks. *gulp* This could mean a lot more blog/school business for me if I play my cards right.

No pressure!!

5. Write a short story to submit to Glimmer Train.

This is a literary magazine I’ve been wanting to submit to for like, forever. In fact, I heard an EXCELLENT story idea on the radio this morning and I think it might just fit in with the Glimmer Train readers. I’m really excited to write about it – and submit it.

Wow. I had so much fun doing this meme! I need something like this to keep me on track.

Oh, and if you need a little Monday pick-me-up (because Mondays suck, no?), then you MUST watch these videos. Truly, if these videos don’t melt your heart and bring a tender smile to your face, then you’re not human.


3 thoughts on “Give Me Five More Things to Do, Baby”

  1. Hi Becca,

    Thanks for visiting! I would be using the Dell 9 mainly to write on. I’m not interested in using it as a typical laptop, but rather, more as a bigger PDA.

    It’s really perfect for what I intend to use it for – writing. 🙂

  2. What a great first GM5 post! You used the badge and linked back to BeccA’s Buzz!!!! (It makes me so happy!!!)

    I love your list, I just watched Baby Momma on Friday night for the first time. It was cute…and predictable. I dig her hair too. I can’t pull it off though, my hair is baby fine and curly 🙂 I’m not so sure about the new Dell 9″. When I read that you can’t really put programs on it, you can’t use cd’s or dvd’ and it has a very limited amount of memory that’s not upgradable, I just got turned off by it. Let us know if you like it though!!!

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