
Spring Concert 2011


Jazz had his spring concert last week. (Blonde boy, blue shirt) I always look forward to … wait, scratch that. I always look forward to ANY kind of concert Jazz is in. It never ceases to amaze me that he can even play an instrument to begin with, let alone play it WELL. He’s so comfortable with his saxophone, he really enjoys playing it, and it honestly warms my heart to watch, and hear, him play.

The band was split into three groups – freshmen, intermediate and advance. Jazz is in the intermediate group. He’s hoping to make advance band next year.

We all thought the band sounded fantastic, but Jazz wasn’t happy with the performance. He was okay with how he played, but he was disappointed in his band mates. He said that after they finished the first song, they started getting nervous and playing a lot softer than they were supposed to, which in turn, made him nervous and playing softer than he wanted to.

I love that he wants to be a better player, but I wish he wasn’t so hard on himself.

He comes by that perfectionist attitude honestly – both me and Kevin are pretty hard on ourselves as well.

At any rate, Kevin showed me how to manipulate his video program and I was able to slice the first song off the disk. I’ll work on uploading the other two songs soon.


I love Jazz’s look of concentration in this picture.

Or maybe it’s irritation, they’re sort of one and the same, actually. HA!


Graduation is in T-minus EIGHT days!!

I adore this boy … er … man??

We “talked” Dude into dressing up and wearing his cap and gown this past weekend so we could take pictures of him. We did it mainly because I want to blow the best one up to 5 x 7 so I can put it in a frame that I had custom-made for him, but we also did it because I was afraid that with the craziness that is sure to happen graduation night, I was afraid we wouldn’t have time, or just plain forget in all the excitement, to take some really good pictures of him, and with us.

Kevin moved our photography lights up to the office. He then draped a black and white (not one sheet, two sheets) and we took pictures against the background. I think we got some pretty good shots.

I’ll post the pictures soon.

The pictures you see above were actually taken last fall in our backyard. I wanted to get a decent shot of him to put on his graduation announcements.

Though Dude scowls at all the picture taking, I think, deep down, he’s enjoying the attention.

As he should. He’s worked very hard to get to this point and we’re very proud of him.