Flash Fiction, Prompt Fiction

Flash Fiction: In the Path

The three words to use in a story this week are:

  • Foolish
  • Mercy
  • Relish

Thanks for reading.

Molly relished the thought of getting off work and unpacking the numerous boxes at her new house.

“I know what you’re thinking about,” her co-worker said in a sing-song voice and with a laugh.

Molly grinned. “I can’t help it. I’ve never been a homeowner before, I’m excited.” She shrugged. “I spent hours shopping for just the right numbers to put on my house at Lowe’s last night. I know it’s foolish but …”

Her words were cut off by a shrill siren.

“Oh my God, look.” Her co-worker nodded toward the window.

Molly’s brow furrowed as she saw the ominous clouds and flashes of lightening. A boom of thunder suddenly sounded overhead and both women jumped in response.

“Let’s go, everyone! Don’t worry about shutting off your computers, we don’t have time! They’re saying it’s an F3 tornado and it’s about five miles away!” Their boss, a man not normally known for being excitable, was flushed and disheveled. His appearance alone was enough to propel people into action.

Both women shot out of their seats as if someone had yanked their chairs out from under them.

“Five miles? Molly gasped. Her house was five miles from the office. “What direction!” She yelled. She was surprised her boss heard her over the rising panic.


Molly shot a look at her co-worker. “Oh no, my house is over there!” She felt like crying. “Please God, have mercy,” she mumbled as everyone stumbled down the stairs and into the basement.


This was, of course, inspired by all the tornado activity the south saw yesterday. May God help and heal those affected by the storms.


Fiction under 250 words.