Saturday Stuff

The Light Within

Toby signed his name with flourish and stuffed the card into the envelope.

He smiled. He hoped the person it was addressed to would appreciate the message. He giggled softly when he pictured the reaction.

He placed the card next to his heart and stared out of the window with unseeing eyes. He wasn’t misinterpreting their relationship, was he? He thought back to their lunch the previous day…

“Toby! Are you done yet?”

He plunged the card into the bin of tangled up holiday lights. He whirled around to greet his mother, his cheeks burning.

The name on the card was just visible through the wires: Michael.





Write up to 100 words, fact or fiction….

This is a themed writing meme hosted by Jenny Matlock. The goal is to write something that does not exceed 100 words (not including said prompt). The prompt is in bold.

Abundant Life

Teaching: Train Yourself to be godly

Every Sunday I provide videos and valuable links to the Truth or Tradition teachings. We’ve been following the Truth or Tradition teachings for many years now and they have truly blessed our family. We have found peace and happiness through our beliefs and we walk confidently for God. My hope, by passing on this information to you, is that what you find here, or on the Truth or Tradition website, will guide you to a better, more blessed and abundant life.

If you would like to read my views on religion and how we got started with the ministry, you can read this.

Let’s get started:

Did this video bless you? Please consider donating to the Truth or Tradition ministry.

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more about God’s wonderful message, please visit the Truth or Tradition website. You can also keep track of the ministry through their Facebook page, their YouTube Channel, or follow them on Twitter.

Thanks for reading.

(Comments have been turned off. The information is here to inform and bless you. God granted you the gift of free will – take it or leave it).

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