
No Parade This Year

Finally got the band pictures I ordered of Jazz from this past season’s competitions today:


This one was at the Broken Arrow Invitational in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma.


This one was taken at the Bands of America competition in St. Louis.

The band didn’t get to march in our city’s Christmas parade today – the wind chill was just too much for any mortal to stand. This makes the second year that the band has canceled marching in our parade. I hope Jazz gets to march in the parade at least once before he graduates!

I was really bummed that it didn’t work out, but after stepping outside and not only being blown away but nearly having my ears iced off, I can understand why the band director made the call.

Oh well. Maybe next year. 😦

random stuff

A Creative and Festive Alternative to Sending a Christmas Card

I was reading Momma Blogs A Lot’s blog this morning and she linked to a series of videos by the Foster Family.

I can see why Jen loves their videos! Very creative and festive.

And by the way, Jen has posted a pretty cute (and moving!) video tribute to her daughter, too. Check it out!

Christmas song #11 There is a Star that Shines Tonight by Sheryl Crow