Writing Stuff

Plotting it Out – Part One

I was looking over my latest issue of Writer’s Digest and started reading over their “101 Best Websites for Writers” when I stumbled onto the Plot Whisperer for Writers and Readers.

Here’s what the blog is about:

Plot Whisperer offers plot tips for writers and bloggers eager to create compelling novels, screenplays, memoirs and blog posts with the reader in mind. All writers struggle with what to put in and what to leave out of their works in progress, how to hold a reader’s attention and earn their loyalty, and how to create depth and meaning in their writing for the greatest good.

To my delight, Martha Alderson has started a video workshop on how to plot a story. WHICH just happens to be my weakest area.

Want to go through these workshops with me?

Sweet. Let’s get started.

My contribution:

I’m currently working on a story called “Xcstasy” (working title). I don’t mind working through this story with you, on my blog, because I’m experimenting right now with this novel and would like to eventually put it into an ebook. If I’m successful, then I’ll do this again and work on a “real” novel.

My main character for Xcstasy is Dani Rae Pickett.

First question: What does your character want?

Beginning goal: Dani wants to find her sister. (Dani’s sister has been missing for three months).

End goal: To get her, and her sister, out alive.

I have some ideas where I want to take this story but they will likely change as I start writing. I don’t really DO outlines – I prefer to just start writing to see where it takes me. Which is fun and exciting because I’m always sort of surprising myself, but it’s bad because I reach a point where I get stuck and it’s like … now what. I’m hoping working through Ms. Alderson’s tips will help me past that hump.

I also found an interesting book that was highly recommended by a writer I follow on Twitter called: “Nail Your Novel – Why Writers Abandon Books and How You Can Draft, Fix and Finish With Confidence“. I’m planning on downloading that to my Kindle … more tips from that book coming soon.

Feel free to “write” along if you wish. Leave me a comment and let me know how it’s going for you.