Can We Talk?

Why Don’t Friends with Kids Have Time?

My sister-in-law posted this article on Facebook and it was just too good not to share with you.


If you can’t read it, you can find the full-sized photo here.

Isn’t is AMAZING that the people who criticize the most/loudest are the people who DON’T have children?

Sheesh, what a moron. I think I’d be snipping that friendship in the bud. Who has time to “baby” friends like that? Be supportive or move on.


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2 thoughts on “Why Don’t Friends with Kids Have Time?”

  1. What do I do all day? Wake up, change diapers, feed kids, clean food off the floor, keep them out of biggest brother’s bedroom, stop a fight, throw a load of clothes in the wash, pick up toys so I can vacuum, change a diaper, Forget about vacuuming because the toys have found their way onto the floor again, read email and catch up on blogs, run any errands that need to be run, eat lunch, change a diaper, put kids down for nap, spend 30 minutes trying to get them to be quiet before giving up, switch loads of laundry to dryer, take a shower (if there is enough time), change a diaper, get biggest brother from school, get kids snacks, go to whatever after school activities there are, cook dinner (while breaking up more fights), clean up dishes left out from lunch time, eat, help kids pick up toys, get kids ready for bed and into bed, clean kitchen, fold and put away laundry and straighten up the house (if I have the energy). I don’t even have time for playgroups and parks.

    Of course, my hubby is home in the evenings to help, but two evenings a week, he is working, so it’s all up to me. The only “me” time I get is Tuesday evening when I have rehearsal for a wind symphony I play in and Wednesday when I have an hour for church orchestra rehearsal (in which the kids are in the church nursery waiting for me).

    So what do we SAHM’s do all day? Give of ourselves until we can’t give anymore. And then wake up and do it all over again. But for me, I wouldn’t have it any other way!

  2. I’d like them to have a day in our shoes, then lets see what they have to say? I was a working mom at one point long ago, but I tell you, I didn’t have as much time as she claims to have. In my experience very rarely do moms with kids mesh well with moms without. They never understand why you can’t drop everything to join them for a movie, or lunch. When this person has a child they are going to be very surprised!

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