Kitchen Saga

Kitchen Saga: Back Splash

Before back splash:

Before Back Splash

After back splash:

After Back Splash

Before back splash:

Before Back Splash

After back splash:

After Back Splash

Before back splash:

Before Back Splash

After back splash:

After Back Splash

We love it. It’s exactly what we pictured. Since we have so much brown and black, we wanted some color and I love the browns, reds and creams in the tile. The tile is also distressed, so it really reminds you of an Italian / Spanish villa. Even the tile guy seemed pleased with the way it looked. (Of course he would, but, you know).

At any rate. We have a back splash! Now. We’re on our way to Lowe’s to look at light covers and get some ideas for paint – which is what we will do this weekend … sometime.

We’re thinking of a light khaki and eggplant.

Oh yes. I said eggplant. 🙂

Stay tuned …

Monday Stuff

My Daybook: April 5th

Family April 2010


Outside my window: It’s overcast, though not gloomy. Rather, it looks like the sky is trying to decide whether to go ahead and cloud up all the way and give us rain or clear up and allow the sun to shine through. The wishy-washiness of the whole thing drives me nuts. Make a decision already! This looks like rain, then dazzling sunshine indecision is hard to keep up with.

It’s been warm. In fact, we’re supposed to get all the way up to 82 today, which is unusual for this time of year – the record is 83.

I am reading: Morning Comes Softly by Debbie Macomber. I haven’t started it yet and I suspect it might be slow going. I like Macomber, but I sort of have to be in the mood for her.

In the kitchen:

* Monday: Nachos Supreme
* Tuesday: Pork Tenderloin
* Wednesday: Chicken Enchiladas
* Thursday: Spaghetti
* Friday: Go git (I take Friday and Saturday off from cooking. Kevin cooks on Sunday).

I am really excited about: Cooking potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. I know. How random is that, but ever since we discovered The Pioneer Woman’s method for cooking mashed potatoes, we’ve sort of been obsessed. I won’t tell you her secret ingredient(s), you’ll have to buy her cookbook, but I WILL tell you that we also add a dash of garlic powder and YOWSA, it really adds some zip.

I’m also really excited about: our new back splash!! The tile guy (the same tile guy who did our kitchen floor tile – don’t worry, Kevin is overseeing everything so there is really no way it’s going to get messed up) got here at 9;30 this morning and is still working on it. (It’s now almost 2:00). I sneaked a peek and YOWSA, it REALLY adds a whole new element to the overall look. I’ll take pictures and post them later.

I’m also excited about finding a bench for our utility room. We went to an import furniture store at lunch today (me and Kevin) and found a really cool, distressed wood bench (the wood was imported from India and was actually part of a building in India) that I think might look really cool in that space. The problem is, it was too long. So though we didn’t buy it, we now have a pretty good idea what we want and can keep an eye out for it.

We had originally gone there hoping to find a corner cabinet. My mom and sister both found one for their kitchens and Kevin and I just love the whole corner cabinet concept. We’re looking for a TV corner cabinet to put in our dining room to use when we do Bible study every week. The import place had a corner cabinet we could order from their catalog, but it was pine and I don’t think that kind of wood would look good in a room that is predominantly oak. However, again, we now have a pretty good idea what we want, it’s just a question of finding it. I love when we have concrete ideas – it’s the not knowing that drives me nuts. (But really, you can’t be surprised by that).

This weekend we: were busy, as was everyone, I’m sure. Saturday, my folks came over and since my nephews were already over here to spend some time with our boys, we all got together and had our Easter together. I bought a Honey-Baked ham, we made The Pioneer Woman’s mashed potatoes (my dad had three helpings so I think he liked them!), some mixed veggies and I made my “famous” butt rolls. It always tickles me whenever anyone compliments me on these rolls. You can buy the yeast rolls at Wal-Mart (they come in little balls) and all you have to do is place two balls per muffin cup, wait for them to rise and then stick them in the oven for about 17 minutes. That’s it. And yet, everyone always makes such a big deal out of “my” rolls. HA! I don’t correct them. (Okay, I do).

I also bought a cake from Wal-Mart. Only, this cake had three slices of chocolate, three slices of strawberry, three slices of carrot, and three slices of lemon pieces to make up a whole cake and I was impressed! It tasted fantastic! I’m definitely buying that variety-type cake again.

It was really good to see my folks. I haven’t seen them since Christmas and we spent several pleasant hours together catching up. (Mom, dad, we need to get together more often!)

We also: went over to Kevin’s parents’ house on Sunday. His mom prepared brisket, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, potato salad, (yes, I had both!), some asparagus, and salad. The brisket was so tender I couldn’t even spear it with a fork! (I’ll have to ask her how she got it so tender). She also made a chocolate and zucchini cake, but I couldn’t quite make myself have a piece of that.

We also got to visit with one of my nieces who has been on a mission in Scotland. She came back home for a break, she’ll go back next month and finish out her two-year commitment. I really admire her strength and determination to give her life to God like that. She’s a delightful young woman and I really enjoyed talking with her (and everyone! We talked politics, and since we’re all on the same page with that, it was a VERY enjoyable discussion. In fact, my brother-in-law told me I should run for office because he was impressed with the way I expressed myself. HA! As if).

One last thing I want to tell you about before I go: I also can’t wait for the Ultimate Blog Party!!! It begins this Friday and I’m determined to try and visit as many blogs as I can possibly fit in. I plan on giving prizes away, but I have no idea what those will be at this point. I guess you’ll just have to come back and see. 😀

Oh …

And the Spring photo contest begins April 16th. You can find more information here.