Abundant Life

Audio Teaching: The Errors of the Trinity Seminar – Week Seven

The orthodox definition of the Trinity is:

A “three-fold personality existing in one divine being or substance; the union in one God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three infinite, co-equal, co-eternal persons; one God in three persons.”

“God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all of which make up our ONE true God.”

Since its components began to be officially codified at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, the “Trinity” has been a topic that has caused great confusion and uncertainty for many truth-seeking Christians. This 16 hour seminar, by Don Snedeker, is filled with fascinating quotes from many Christians through the centuries who recognized that the Trinity has no biblical basis, and who stood firm against opposition and persecution for not believing it. Don aptly shows how critical it is for Christians to truly understand who Jesus Christ really is and what is his relationship to God, not only so they can make a rational defense of our faith, but so they can experience a relationship with God similar to that which Jesus had.

Click the arrow to listen.

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At the Moment

I Feel Like Someone Has Used My Ribs for a Punching Bag

It hurts to breathe.

I’m feeling better now that I’ve taken some Tylenol, but I can’t help but wonder: is this because I was forced into taking a flu shot? I felt fine before that moment.

Yep. I stuck my arm out on Friday and got a stupid flu shot. My boss, God bless her, was wringing her hands and I was stressing her out – would she have to fire me? And then go through the tedious (and dare I say impossible?? Ha!) task of replacing me??

I finally took pity on her Friday and said, “Fine. Uncle. I’ll get the damn flu shot.”

I left out the “damn” part.

The MA who gave me the shot was very good – I barely felt a thing. And I didn’t bleed, at all. Which is sort of unusual for me since my blood is pretty thin to begin with.

And I’ve felt fine, until today. But then again, my ribs hurting might not be because I got the flu shot – it could be because I actually cleaned house this weekend and well, my body is not used to any sort of exercise, at all. I sit all day, then I come home, check my emails and sit some more and watch TV. I think my body went into shock because I’ve been so active this weekend (I also walked four miles).

So. I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t have a reaction – at least then I could say, “See? SEE? I TOLD you getting a flu shot wasn’t a very good idea.” But alas, I’m just too healthy, I guess.

But I’m not really worried about the short-term effects of the shot – I’m more concerned with the long term. No one really knows, after years and years of accepting the flu shot, how it affects the body.

And that part worries me, quite frankly.

Dude and Jazz went over to their cousin’s house this weekend. I sort of stayed out of it. They had originally planned on just going over there for a few hours, but I got a text about 9ish saying they were staying overnight.

Which, I knew they would.

Our children are roommates and though it’s weird, I’m sort of digging it. It’s becoming easier and easier to distance myself from them and allowing them to make their own decisions. And that’s mainly because I’m simply not around much anymore.

Which is a good thing, I think.

Kevin and I took advantage of the alone time and went out to Whole Hog Cafe. That’s one my favorite restaurants. I LOVE their pulled pork sandwiches – SUPER YUM. And I’m not really that big of a pork-kind of gal.

After dinner, we came home and watched “The Hunger Games.” Disturbing, but so cool. I think the premise behind that story is so interesting and steeped in reality because if our current president has his way? We’ll end up converting our country into a communist nation and then what? Rations and Big Brother watching us all the time.

If you think I’m crazy, then you’re not paying attention to what’s going on around you.

Just sayin’.

I went ahead and reserved a hotel room in St. Louis for next October. I’m hoping that Jazz will want to go to the Band’s of America with us next year. And even if he doesn’t, I’m still going. It’ll be a fun weekend away and now that we know our way around downtown, (i.e. places to eat), then it’ll be even more fun and relaxing next time.

But no more driving home in the dead of night. Getting home at 4:00 in the morning sucks.

Big time.

Did I tell you guys that Kevin has converted our garage into a band room? His band comes over once a week and practices in our garage. I’m glad he found someplace more comfortable to practice, and definitely more convenient for him, but UGH. Our garage has been taken over by equipment.

But it makes him happy, so I’m happy he’s happy.

Kevin knocked out one of our windows and put in a door this past weekend. He was getting tired of having to open the garage door every time they needed something and since it’s getting colder, this will also keep more heat in.

It sure is handy having him around sometimes. 😀

I filled out the cap/gown order form for Jazz this weekend. I’m not buying the announcements from the same company because WOW – they’re charging an arm and a leg. Besides, who really cares about the little name cards that go into the announcements anyway? It’s all going to be thrown away, let’s be real. And Jazz? Could care less.

I think Jazz is ready to graduate. He’s already talking about what he wants to do – which is to take the summer off, and then get a job. He’s not interested in going back to school any time soon. And though we’ll encourage him to go to school at some point, I agree, taking some time off from school is probably a good thing.

It’s all about moderation, remember?

Abundant Life

Teaching: Mark 2:7 – Who can forgive sins but God alone?

Every Sunday I provide videos and valuable links to the Truth or Tradition teachings. We’ve been following the Truth or Tradition teachings for many years now and they have truly blessed our family. We have found peace and happiness through our beliefs and we walk confidently for God. My hope, by passing on this information to you, is that what you find here, or on the Truth or Tradition website, will guide you to a better, more blessed and abundant life.

If you would like to read my views on religion and how we got started with the ministry, you can read this.

Let’s get started:

Thanks for watching.

(Comments have been turned off. The information is here to inform and bless you. God granted you the gift of free will – take it or leave it).

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Biblical Unitarian

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Abundant Life

Audio Teaching: The Errors of the Trinity Seminar – Week Six

The orthodox definition of the Trinity is:

A “three-fold personality existing in one divine being or substance; the union in one God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three infinite, co-equal, co-eternal persons; one God in three persons.”

“God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all of which make up our ONE true God.”

Since its components began to be officially codified at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD, the “Trinity” has been a topic that has caused great confusion and uncertainty for many truth-seeking Christians. This 16 hour seminar, by Don Snedeker, is filled with fascinating quotes from many Christians through the centuries who recognized that the Trinity has no biblical basis, and who stood firm against opposition and persecution for not believing it. Don aptly shows how critical it is for Christians to truly understand who Jesus Christ really is and what is his relationship to God, not only so they can make a rational defense of our faith, but so they can experience a relationship with God similar to that which Jesus had.

Click the arrow to listen.

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So Much to Talk About … So Little Energy

Holy cow you guys. These past three weeks have been a WHIRLWIND of activity and has required WAY MORE energy than I’m capable of.

I have so much to talk about: the band competitions and our cruise down the Pacific coast … but OMG, by the time I get home, sit down and prepare to write, my brain just goes black and I can’t keep my eyes open.

So here are some bite-sized morsels of my life to chew on … nothing worth an entire blog post, but things I’m dealing with right now …

An email was sent out at work today – my boss’s husband was just diagnosed with stage four cancer. He went in to take care of what he thought was a sinus infection and some vision problems only to walk out with a death sentence – he has tumors all over his internal organs, including his brain. The cancer is bad and it’s spreading. The kicker? He hasn’t had any symptoms! He was/is feeling fine!

My boss just found out last week and we were all wondering why she would suddenly leave, take long lunches, come in late … honestly? If that were me? I wouldn’t even go to work. I’d take a leave of absence and spend every waking moment with my loved one. In fact, I know the other supervisors are trying to talk her into doing that very thing.

Can you imagine?


Her husband is her best friend. I can’t even fathom the pain she’s in right now. She’s definitely in my prayers.

Poor woman.

The time is now. I can’t put off getting the flu shot any longer. I have until November 9th to get it or … or … or I don’t know what. I guess they will fire me. I haven’t started receiving the threatening emails/notices yet, but I’m sure they’re coming.

I haven’t heard anything from the place I interviewed with a week ago. Honestly, I’m expecting to get a rejection letter in the mail any time. I suppose I could take this no news as good news, but honestly? I did such a piss-poor job at the interview … I just can’t see myself being hired on there.

But who knows. Stranger things have happened.

My boss asked me if I wanted to work the Harrison clinic this past Friday. The regular gal couldn’t do it. I felt so bad, but I had already asked off for that day so we could go to St. Louis (more on that trip later), so I had to turn her down. That left one of the gals I regularly work. She HATES outlying clinics and she’s always the last person they ask, but they didn’t have a choice this time – there was no one else to do it.

So. She went. And when I asked her how it went, she said pretty smoothly. I was relieved because this particular doctor can, erhm, be a challenge to get along with sometime, but it sounded like he was in a good mood and all went well. This gal already takes care of three doctors and I knew she was stressed out having to schedule the clinic patients, so I offered to take some patients off her hands.

No big deal. We’re all a team and that’s what teams do – they help each other out.

The next thing I know, my boss and my co-worker are standing behind me and they present me with some hospital bucks, which are sort of hard to come by and are given out as a thank you to deserving workers (I’m a deserving worker, ya’ll!). She had nominated me to our boss as a thank you for helping her out. I was so touched! And a little troubled because she said that was the first time anyone had offered to help her with outlying clinics.

Really? Really? How sad is that?? And it was really no big deal – I couldn’t have spent more than thirty minutes helping her. How sad is it that people are reluctant to help each other out now and again?

And my co-worker had tears in her eyes when she thanked me. I was sort of speechless, quite honestly.

And now I’m more determined than ever to volunteer more because wow … it takes so little to bring such joy to someone’s life.

One of my doctor’s hired a new nurse. And she started this week. When I met her I flat out told her that I was awesome and she was going to love working with me. hahaha!

I don’t have an over-inflated opinion of myself.

Not at all.

Eighties tomorrow – mid-70’s Wednesday/Thursday and then high of 44 degrees on Friday.


Hello sinus problems, meet Aleve.

Dude is old enough to vote this year. And he’s registered and ready to go.

“Hey Dude,” we asked, “who are ya gonna vote for?”

“The Libertarian on the ticket.”


I’m sure he’s just telling us that to get under our skin.

SURELY he’ll make the RIGHT choice (see what I did there??)

Heh. Stinker.

One of Dude’s oldest friends came over the other night. The boy just turned 21 and he’s already had about three jobs, dropped out of school, has toured with a band all over the country, moved out, got engaged, broke off the engagement, has had his scooter stolen, raced his car in a street drag race, became estranged from his mom, made up with his mom, is about a few thousand dollars in debt (thanks to his ex-fiance) and is now going back to college this next spring to try and get his life back on track.

And Dude? Rarely leaves his room.


Don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish some of this friend’s experiences on Dude for the world, but OMG, I’m so ready for the kid to start his life.

Any life. A life away from us and away from home.

Please. Please. Vote Obama out of office so this crappy economy will get better and businesses (I.E. the RICH people *snort*) will start hiring young people again.

For the love of God people, I’m begging you.

I think my hair has stopped growing. Suddenly, I want it longer, and softer.

The fact that it hasn’t really grown out that much tells me that I got it cut WAY too short this last time.

I’m never happy. I realize this.