Through My Eyes

BlogHer Bingo

One of my favorite bloggers posted this on her blog the other day …

… and it made me laugh.

Because it’s SO TRUE!!

Interestingly enough, she didn’t get very many comments about it – in fact, I’m not even sure one person commented on it and I was surprised, though I guess I shouldn’t have been because when it comes to these blog conferences, people tend to keep their opinions to themselves and follow the herd.

Why is that?? Are bloggers afraid they will be labeled a troublemaker and an outcast because they dare to disagree with the “popular” bloggers?

Me? I could care less. I have no desire to be part of any blogging group and I like being an outsider, if you want the truth. It’s interesting to watch the drama from the other side of the looking glass and I think it gives me a unique perspective … it’s called REALITY.

In case you have no idea what I’m talking about … BlogHer is coming up. And every time this blogging conference comes around, you start seeing all sorts of posts and tweets about … well, the subjects you see in the bingo card. It’s all about the DRAMA and WHO’S FRIENDS WITH WHOM, and OH MY GOSH – THE SWAG!! It’s all about the social aspect of blogging, and belonging, and the ass kissing, and who can make a bigger fool out of herself, etc., etc., …

Honestly? These blog conferences are pretty much wash, rinse, repeat. There is nothing new about them. They are the same group of women who get together once/twice a year in an effort to re-establish/validate their online personalities and to shun a select few who dare to disagree with them, or criticize them … the whole process truly boggles my mind, if you want the truth.

I can understand the interest in learning more about the business side of blogging, or wanting to learn to be a more compelling writer, or how to take better pictures or any other educational aspect of blogging … but the social part of this huge sorority party?

Leaves me ice cold.

“I didn’t make a new card this year, but I have a whole new list of aggravations. I’ve noticed this… phenomenon lately. I’m starting to wonder if people… well, not people. If a certain kind of set of people – NOT specific people, I have NO specific people in mind – if people realize that the blog world, the INTERNET world, is way way WAY bigger than BlogHer.

Like, BlogHer as a conference does not encompass all bloggers, of course. And BlogHer as a network of blogs does not encompass but a FRACTION of bloggers. A fraction of even the TYPES of blogs that are out there. And a tiny SLICE of the kinds of communities that are out there. That a niche blog in the BlogHer type of sphere talking about “how things are” in the world of blogging is actually a kind of a laughable concept because it’s just the tiniest little bit of what’s out there.

It’s so insulated from how things are, from what things are that I can’t take it – ANYONE – seriously, especially as you see people taking themselves more and more seriously. It’s always been huge all around you, and it’s GROWING all around you, and you’re all just going more and more insular. You’re MISSING IT.”
from Temerity Jane

It’s not about making friends, it’s about establishing a popularity pecking order. I think if these blog conference founders were really serious about bringing a blogging community together, they would discourage the regular – OH MY GAWD YOU LOOK FABULOUS KISSY KISSY – bloggers and encourage lesser-known bloggers who would bring fresh, and likely more relevant, ideas to the blogging community. Instead, you have the same group of women, conference after conference after conference, showing up, putting on a show, making fools out of themselves, reading the same types of blog posts from the same type of bloggers time and again … I mean honestly? Blog conferences have become boring and predictable and YAWN.

Don’t believe me? Tell you what – on August 2-4, open up your Twitter and keep a watch on the #BlogHer12 hashtag. Every time you see something from the BINGO card, mark it – I’m betting you get one, if not several, BINGO’s in less than 30 minutes.

THAT’S how predictable these conferences are nowadays.

How about starting a blog conference for only new blogger personalities? The regular “old-timer bloggers” can skip the conferences, thereby giving room to new up-and-coming-bloggers and just focus on “reunions” instead – because isn’t that pretty much what these blogging “conferences” have become?

I’m just askin’.

(And if you get upset by this post, ask yourself WHY??)