random stuff, Saturday Stuff

Simon’s Sister’s Dog: Fed Up

As you all know, I’m not a big animal person. I don’t dislike them, per se, I just don’t have a desire to own one any time soon.

With that said, I LOVE looking at pictures and watching videos of animals – animated animals are no exception.

I have to say, this is one of the (and I said ONE, there are MANY), turnoffs I have with dogs: the begging. It drives me insane to be eating somewhere and someone’s dog is looking up at me with those expressive, sad puppy dog eyes just begging me to drop them a scrap or two.

And this is just an aside, but the way this dog balloons at the end of the video reminds me of my neighbor’s dog – that poor thing is MORBIDLY obese. So much so, that it waddles when it walks and it’s head is about 1/4 the size of her body. The owner is an older lady and she has trouble getting out herself. Luckily, I’ve been noticing a young girl walking the dog lately, but it doesn’t seem to be helping very much. I’m not an animal lover, as mentioned, but even I think this is cruel. 😦

You can find out more about the author of this animation, Simon Tofield, at his website.

4 thoughts on “Simon’s Sister’s Dog: Fed Up”

  1. Allowing your pet to become obese is just as cruel as starving your pet. You’re right there, Karen.

    Begging is something that dogs can be taught NOT to do. Mine don’t beg. It’s not allowed. They’re not allowed in the kitchen ever or in the dining room when we’re eating either.

    However, with that being said, dogs are opportunists. It’s their nature. So, you can’t expect a dog to sit alone in a room with a steak on the floor and not eat it, nor can you expect a dog to not take a scrap from Mummy’s loving hand when she offers it. It’s up to the human owners to quit anthropomorphizing our pets into little human children to be spoiled and do what is best for them. After all, most parents know that giving their children everything they want isn’t a good idea.

    Obesity in dogs is just as dangerous as it is for humans. It shortens their lifespan, they can develop diabetes and other health related issues including heart disease.

    (In case you didn’t notice, teaching responsible pet care and ownership is one of my passions. Getting off my soap box now!)

  2. I get that food dropped is fair game for a dog, but I think it really should be a household rule not to just hand food down to the dog at the table. Dogs can overeat just as easily as people. Cute video though.

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