Facebook Stories, In My Opinion

I Dare You to Read This Post

And watch this video …


So. Did you watch the entire video? I did, but I felt restless. I kept thinking, “hurry up, this is boring.”

If you couldn’t sit through an entire three minutes, why not?

“Remember when you were a child? You could spend an entire hour watching an ant crawl across a rock.”

People have the attention spans of gnats nowadays. People have to be watching something, or doing something, at all times. Boredom has become a bad word. If you’re not busy, then you’re weird. If there is even a hint of being bored, people freak out or quickly find something, anything, to fill even a few seconds of boredom.


Granted, there is a lot out there – movies, TV shows, Internet, phones … we are a society of distractions, it’s hard to find the time to fit everything in because there is so much WE FEEL LIKE WE HAVE TO DO.

Notice I didn’t say THAT WE HAVE TO DO. Don’t tell me you don’t have time for something, you don’t want to make the time to do something. That’s fine, just tell me that. Don’t pretend that you’re some super busy person who doesn’t have time for something you WISH you could do. I call bullshit. You have time for what you want to make time for.

Just be honest about it.

I don’t tell people I don’t have time for something. I tell people I don’t want to make the time for [insert activity].

Shocking? Perhaps. But I don’t care. I’m being honest.

What’s wrong with being bored at times? What’s wrong with taking a moment, or two, or ten, out of your day and simply breathing fresh air? Why is it so hard for people to stand in line and NOT be on their phones? Do people even daydream anymore?

Why don’t people stop and appreciate the small things in life?

Why does the thought of simply closing your eyes, breathing deeply and shutting your brain off for a moment cause some people to hyperventilate.

We are in the age of instant gratification and any time people are asked, or forced, to wait on anything, people turn into crazy rude monsters.

I’m asking you to wait five minutes – PRETTY SURE YOU’RE GOING TO LIVE.

I realize that time is valuable, but so is pausing a moment to appreciate life.

So chill out, be bored sometimes. Who knows? Maybe you’ll learn to be more patient.


Can We Talk?, In My Opinion

Supreme Court, or Supreme Law of the Land?

So I was sitting in the pit at work, answering phones, like I always do when I’m not in clinic with my doctor, when my gay co-worker burst into the room, shaking, laughing and smiling.

“The Supreme Court just ruled same-sex marriage legal! Now I can get married whenever and wherever I want to!”

I blinked, absorbed what he was saying and then forced a smile in a silent form of congratulations. Thinking to myself, The Supreme Court did what??

That’s how I found out that same-sex marriage is now legal in every state.

I’ve been thinking about writing this post for the past 48 hours. How I wanted to write it. What I wanted to write about this subject. And it’s a toughie. It truly is. Let me see if I can first break my thoughts down and secondly try and make it as fair to all parties that I can.

Yes. I work with a gay man. He is the sweetest and most likable person I’ve ever known. I’ve liked him from the very moment I met him. And we get along famously. In fact, his sense of humor reminds me so much of my brother that I sort of SEE and TREAT him like a little brother. Yes. I’ve told him that before.

So I’ve had to be very careful in how I approach this subject at work because it would kill me to hurt this guy’s feelings. I truly like and care about him and I’m a lot of things, but I’m never intentionally cruel to someone – I have too much respect for the people in my life, or the people I like, to go out of my way to be deliberately nasty to them.

But I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle.

WAIT. DON’T GO. Hear me out, please.

I don’t believe God intended men to be with men. Or women to be with women. And no matter how we sugar coat it, or think of different ways to redefine it, marriage is between a man and a woman. Period. I’ve never understood why the gay community insisted on redefining that word. That word belongs to the heterosexual, get your own damn word. Call it a civil union, or a gay union, or whatever else you want to define two gay people becoming legally/contractually obligated to each other, but marriage is OURS.

Or it was until the Supreme Court stuck their high and mighty noses into it.

So, no. I don’t agree with the gay lifestyle. I don’t think it’s natural or beautiful or any other label you want to attach to it. I don’t believe you’re born a homosexual. I believe it’s a conscious/subconscious choice that is influenced by outside factors. I think people are born with a homosexual tendency, like a person is born with alcoholic/drug addiction tendencies and those people have to work that much harder to resist the temptation, but no, I don’t think there’s a special “gene” that makes a person gay.

This is what I believe. Disagree if you must. But here’s the thing – I really don’t care if someone *chooses to live that sort of lifestyle.

No really.

I. Don’t. Care.

It’s really none of my business how a person lives his/her life. I figure the gay community will be judged at some point and that at some point they will have to look God in the eye and explain their behavior.

I say, “good luck with that.” *SALUTE*

God granted humans the gift of free will – if one chooses to live by the rules that God has set forth in His Word, then that person will be rewarded when Christ comes back to get us. If one chooses NOT to live by the rules that God has set forth, then that person will not be rewarded. But it doesn’t really matter how a Christian lives his/her life, God loves us no matter what choices we make. If a person has accepted Jesus Christ into his/her heart and confessed with his/her mouth that Christ is Lord and was raised from the dead, then that person is a child of God. And just like our flesh and blood children sometimes disappoint us and/or don’t live their lives like we would like them to, they are still our children and we still love them.

The same principle applies to God’s children.

So a gay man may be a Christian and God will still love that man, but he will be disappointed and like a naughty child, that man will not be rewarded for his choices.

For with the gift of free will comes consequences of that free will.

If I choose to hold up a liquor store and steal all of their money, that was my choice. Granted, it was a poor choice, but mine, nonetheless. And the consequences of that choice is jail time.

I won’t pretend to know what God’s consequences will be for not choosing to live by His rules, but I’m sure there WILL be consequences. How can there not?

So honestly, who cares what my opinion is? Who cares if I disagree with a gay person’s decision and/or lifestyle. It’s ultimately none of my business how that person lives his/her life as it’s none of that person’s business how I live my life. WHO CARES WHAT ANYONE DOES BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.

I think my biggest beef with this whole legalizing a gay union (because I REFUSE to call it marriage – marriage belongs to HETEROSEXUALS), is that the Supreme Court turned my voice, my vote, null and void. They spoke FOR the people. They completely ignored the constitution, the states’ rights and basically said, “Fuck you” to everyone and made our decision for us.

They put on their emperor’s crowns and simply made a decision for everyone.

And the scariest part? This is just the beginning. The ice has been broken. Because now that they’ve done it this once, it will that much easier to do again. And again. And again. And before long? We will become a nation of robots that are TOLD what to do, how to live and how to think. And if we dare color outside the lines, WE WILL BE PUNISHED.

And the end begins …

I don’t want to scare anyone, or sound like some crazed religious person, but now would be a good time to start thinking about the afterlife. Because it’s all downhill from here and Christ WILL come back – are you ready? And I know what you’re thinking, “you’re crazy. Whatever.” What if my beliefs are right?

What if?

And let’s not be naive and think this decision, this turning stone, stops here. Guess what’s next?

Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits.

“Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time-to-time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”

The ripple effect begins.

And before you pooh-pooh this “ridiculious notion” away, consider this:

This article from the Greeley Gazette was originally published in 2011. But now, there’s actually a constitutional argument that can be made in its favor.

And did anyone think gay unions would be legal in every state 30 years ago?

And if you’re interested in what Christianity has to say about homosexuality, please watch the following videos: Teaching: Christian’s View on Homosexuality – Parts One / Two, Three / Four, Five / Six.

The slippery slope just got a whole lot slippier.

In My Opinion

Why I Don’t Allow Comments

I know there are a few people out there that are frustrated by the fact that I don’t allow (a lot of) comments on this blog. I mean, if you’re really steamed and really need to sound off on something I’ve written, or an opinion I’ve expressed, by all means, email me. I won’t promise I’ll read it, but it might make you feel better, I guess.

But I have my reasons for not allowing comments. Seth Godin summarizes how I feel about the subject rather nicely, so I’ll just copy/paste what he said about not allowing comments on his blog:

I think comments are terrific, and they are the key attraction for some blogs and some bloggers. Not for me, though. First, I feel compelled to clarify or to answer every objection or to point out every flaw in reasoning. Second, it takes way too much of my time to even think about them, never mind curate them. And finally, and most important for you, it permanently changes the way I write. Instead of writing for everyone, I find myself writing in anticipation of the commenters.

I couldn’t agree more. Every blog is different, every motivation behind a blog is different – you must do what feels right for YOU. For ME, and my personal SPACE, it’s all about documenting my life. The sole purpose of my blog is to journal – I want to remember the “moments” from my life. Sure. I post fluff (see the “random stuff” category for proof of that), but I do that for two reasons, 1. that stuff amuses me and 2. I think it might bring a smile to your face, or illicit a chuckle, or it might possibly be the bright spot in your crappy day.

In other words – I post that fluff to entertain myself, and you.

But mostly, this space? Is for me. For my family. Because I have a terrible memory and some day, I will look back on my life and everything will be fuzzy and I want to be able to read excerpts of my wonderful life, smile with tenderness and share my life stories with future generations.

This is why I blog. I’m not interested in making money. I’m not interested in traffic … I do it for me. And if you’re entertained in the interim – BONUS!

When I open up comments, I inevitably get the nasty. And I’m a MOTHER BEAR when it comes to my family, and their feelings. I will not allow anyone to insult my family.


Me? Go for it. I put myself out there, it comes with the territory. But my family? Is. Off. Limits. And my family reads my blog. So … you can see the problem.

I have very strong opinions. I say what’s on my mind. I try not to offend anyone in the process and I challenge myself to try and look at an issue squarely in the face and to offer my opinion fairly, but it’s my opinion – take it or leave it. I neither have the time, nor the desire, to justify my opinion to anyone who disagrees with me. Disagree away. I have no problem with that, whatsoever. But it’s my hope, by sharing my strong opinion, that I might offer just one dissenting viewpoint – or something that makes you pause and say, “Hmm … I never thought of it that way before.”

Then my work is done.

And lastly – when I open comments, I’m more aware of what I’m writing. I start customizing my opinions, and content, in order to please my readers; I feel pressure to “perform for the masses.” Again. If that is the purpose of YOUR blog, then by all means, I wish you luck. But I end up resenting the hell out of the fact that I feel like I have to censor myself, or my content and nope, it ain’t happening.

The same reason applies to ads, too. I simply don’t want to put myself in a situation where I have to be anything less than ME on my blog. I don’t want to have to answer to anyone, or any dollar amount.


So that’s it. Those are my reasons. I TRULY appreciate you visiting my little blog corner in cyberspace, but the key words here are: my little blog corner. It’s my space to do with as I please. And closing comments is just my way of keeping it that way.

By the way, I found an interesting debate about whether or not you should, or should not, allow comments on your blog. Yet more food for thought.

In My Opinion

In My Opinion – May 25

A weekly vlog of me answering questions. I’m doing this primarily to leave a bit of myself behind for my children. Thanks for bearing with me as I make a fool out of myself. 😀

Here are the questions for this week:

1. If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do?

2. What household project have you been putting off?

3. Did you watch the royal wedding and what were your thoughts?

And here is my video response to these questions:

Next week’s questions…

1. If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you?

2. What’s something that people do in traffic that really bothers you?

3. Are you a leader or a follower and how do you know?

In My Opinion

In My Opinion: May 18, 2011

A weekly vlog of me answering questions. I’m doing this primarily to leave a bit of myself behind for my children. Thanks for bearing with me as I make a fool out of myself. 😀

Here are the questions for this week:

1. Describe the best live musical performance you’ve ever attended.

2. What scents bring back vivid memories for you?

3. Is the price of gas making you drive less?

And here is my video response to these questions:

Next week’s questions…

1. If you could be invisible for the day, what would you do?

2. What household project have you been putting off?

3. Did you watch the royal wedding and what were your thoughts?

In My Opinion

In My Opinion – May 11, 2011


So I thought I’d resurrect the video meme I started last year. Why? Because I like to vlog but I never know what to vlog about, so … let’s answer some questions.

Don’t want to vlog? No problem! Just answer the questions either in the comment section or answer them on your own blog and leave a link so I can visit.

If you played, please insert the DIRECT link to your video response below.

Here are the questions for this week:

1. What makes awkward moments so awkward?

2. What’s the biggest challenge you’re currently facing?

3. What do you do to stay healthy?

And here is my video response to these questions:

I had too much fun taping this and I hope you had fun watching it; I also hope my children/grandchildren treasure it someday. Because really, that’s what In My Opinion is all about – leaving a bit of you behind.

Want to ask a specific question? Leave it in the comments and I’ll include it on the next IMO. (I reserve the right to edit the question for content or not use it if it’s too personal. *smile*)

Ready for next week’s questions? Brace yourself …

1. Describe the best live musical performance you’ve ever attended.

2. What scents bring back vivid memories for you?

3. Is the price of gas making you drive less?

Need to know more about this video meme? Check this entry out.

The person (or people, if there is more than one person who meets the criteria then I will draw one person from those eligible), who participates the most (and it must be a vlog) before July 27th, will be eligible to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card! SO, in addition to having fun vlogging, you also have a chance to win a $25 gift card! Sweet!

Here’s a button to use on your site, if you want it. 🙂


Follow me on Twitter I’m on Twitter – a lot. You can find me @writefromkaren. Please follow me? I’m lonely over there.

In My Opinion

In My Opinion: May 4, 2011

So I thought I’d resurrect the video meme I started last year. Why? Because I like to vlog but I never know what to vlog about, so … let’s answer some questions.

Don’t want to vlog? No problem! Just answer the questions either in the comment section or answer them on your own blog and leave a link so I can visit.

If you played, please insert the DIRECT link to your video response below.

Here are the questions for this week:

1. Do you think you’ll ever go back to school?

2. What can’t you leave home without? (Either during an emergency or every day – or both).

3. Describe what your handwriting looks like.

And here is my video response to these questions:

I had too much fun taping this and I hope you had fun watching it; I also hope my children/grandchildren treasure it someday. Because really, that’s what In My Opinion is all about – leaving a bit of you behind.

Want to ask a specific question? Leave it in the comments and I’ll include it on the next IMO. (I reserve the right to edit the question for content or not use it if it’s too personal. *smile*)

Ready for next week’s questions? Brace yourself …

1. What makes awkward moments so awkward?

2. What’s the biggest challenge you’re currently facing?

3. What do you do to stay healthy?

Need to know more about this video meme? Check this entry out.

The person (or people, if there is more than one person who meets the criteria then I will draw one person from those eligible), who participates the most (and it must be a vlog) before July 27th, will be eligible to win a $25.00 Amazon gift card! SO, in addition to having fun vlogging, you also have a chance to win a $25 gift card! Sweet!

Here’s a button to use on your site, if you want it. 🙂


Follow me on Twitter I’m on Twitter – a lot. You can find me @writefromkaren. Please follow me? I’m lonely over there.