
20: Are We Living in a Permanent Pandemic?

So are we? Living in a permanent pandemic? What does your gut tell you? I think the government is going to try its hardest to inject as much fear, as often as it can, for as long as it can. The question is, will we be warriors or sheeple? Have you been paying attention to the situation at the border? It’s disgusting that we’ve served those poor people to human traffickers. Also, Biden’s mental capacity seems to be getting worse. I think it’s elder abuse! Book review this week is Andrew Mayne’s “Looking Glass.” And my Patreon is open! Come join us!

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Intermission music:
Where Did The Time Go? by Pyrosion | https://soundcloud.com/pyrosion
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

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