
Should Students Be Required to Pay Back Their Student Loans?

What sort of asinine question is that? And how STUPID do people have to be to think they DON’T have to pay a loan back?

You borrow the money to go to school – you borrow someone else’s money to “buy” a product, in this case, that product is your education, you need to pay it back, dumb ass. It’s a loan. That’s what a loan means – you borrow money, you pay it back.

I mean seriously, people. DUH. You don’t want student loans? Then don’t borrow money. Get a job and pay for the classes as you go along. Sure. It’ll take you longer to get through school, but you won’t be $60,000 dollars in the hole after graduation. You don’t want $60,000 student loans? Then don’t go to a university where they charge you $60,000 – go to a cheaper school. But you want to go to a more expensive school? Well, I want to quit my job and travel the world.

You don’t always get what you want. You compromise and make sacrifices. It’s called real life.

But it’s not fair,” you whine?

Tough. Life’s not fair. Get over it.

Stop being such a whiny ass and buck up. NOTHING IS FREE. GET OVER IT.

OMG, this stuff drives me bat-shit crazy. We have spent the last 100 years brainwashing people into thinking they’re entitled to crap – that some magic fairy is going to come along, wave his magic wand and *POOF*, you get everything you could possibly want. Screw the people you’re getting it from, they EXIST to serve you. They EXIST to grant your every wish … AAARRGGHH….

I’m sorry, but this entitlement attitude just really pushes my buttons.

Look. If you want something, work for it. If you need money to get that something and you borrow money to get it, pay your damn loan back.

It’s not rocket science. Stop acting like people exist to give you things. It’s insulting.

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Obama missed votes on student loan bill he now wants to extend