Work Stuff

I Am a Shee-Doo-Ler

This is the back of my name badge …

Work Badge

True story.

My co-worker was checking a patient out the other day and her name badge had flipped over so that you could see her first name, her last initial and scheduler under neath it – like in the picture above.

Patient: “Are you German?”

Co-worker: “Excuse me?”

Patient: “Are you German?” the patient asked again.

My co-worker was stumped. She had no idea why the woman would ask her that question.

Co-worker: “Not that I’m aware of. Why do you ask?”

Patient: “I just wondered how you pronounced your last name. Is it shee-doo-ler?”

It took my co-worker a few seconds before she finally figured out that the patient had thought her last name was Scheduler!!

And my boss, who happened to be walking by at that very moment, tripped and had to run back to her office because she was laughing so hard, she was crying.

I can tell you that we STILL, to this DAY, joke about that. And we’re now known, to everyone in the clinic, as the “shee-doo-lers.”


Abundant Life

Audio Teaching: Understanding The Magi

by John Schoenheit
The Magi were wonderful men who traveled from the Parthian Empire, likely close to ancient Babylon, to see the young Messiah. Despite clear information about them in the Bible, traditions about the Magi, who were astronomers, have clouded who they were and when they came to Bethlehem. This teaching about the Magi opens many of the great truths and wonderful things the Bible says about these men. Their ancient ancestors had been trained by Daniel the prophet. They were Gentiles, but they were looking for a Redeemer, and knew he would come from Judah. They came to Bethlehem more than a year after Jesus was born, so they were not at the birth of Christ like the shepherds were. They never followed a star to find the Messiah; they went to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, asked where he was, and were told, “Bethlehem,” so they went there. Also, there would have been many more than three of them. There is value in truth, and knowing the truth about these wonderful men helps us to understand why God would spend a whole chapter telling us about them.

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