At the Moment, Podcast

You May NOT Travel This Weekend – YouTube Issues 2nd Strike – Kevin’s Truck Breaks Down

So this video was the reason that YouTube gave us another strike against our channel. This is our second strike and I think it will last for a week and if we get another strike, they will delete our channel.

Want to know why we were penalized?? Because we DARED to talk about alternative medications to treat COVID.


Mark my words, at some point in time it will be discovered that Ivermectin and Hydrydroxychloroquine are actually VERY effective early treatments for COVID and we will sit back and think, “Wow. If we had just talked about this at the beginning of this nightmare and given it to people from the beginning, we might have saved THOUSANDS of lives.”

It makes me sick how political this disease has become. Screw the people. Screw saving people. Trump said it, WE CAN’T ENTERTAIN THE THOUGHT HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN RIGHT.

Anyway. From now on, we’re going to advertise our videos on YouTube and direct people to either our videos on Rumble or GabTV so we don’t risk having our channel deleted entirely. And SCREW YOU, YOUTUBE for being dictators and playing God.


Also. Don’t you think our video looks really good this time? Kevin used a different lens on our camera this time and I think it looks really sharp and detailed this go around.

We’re making history folks. That’s one reason Kevin and I are doing these videos. We want to document this madness and our thoughts and experiences so we can look back on them and shake our heads and say, “What were we thinking?!

Side note: Kevin’s truck was towed to the garage today.

He took a video of it:

This is a 2010 F-250 6.4L. I have had this truck for about 2 years, DPF was deleted before I purchased it. I haven’t messed with the Edge Racing Evolution tuner until now. The truck was running fine before but sluggish. Thought I would try one of the programs to see what would happen. Selected Racing 1 and selected “no” to the DPF Filter present question. Started running like this. Programmed again to “Return to Stock”, but still running rough and smoking. There is an exhaust leak under the hood, looks like it is coming from behind the turbo, so I am taking it in to the shop to have that fixed soon. Would be nice if I could find out how to return to the way it was running before I tried to program so I can drive it to the shop. It is obviously not driveable like this.

They are supposed to evaluate it tomorrow. I’m holding my breath because I have a feeling this is going to be EXPENSIVE.

Stay tuned …