Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – October 27th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

October 27th Questions:

1. What’s your mood today? Why do you feel this way? Would you consider yourself to be a moody person overall? When has your “moodiness” gotten you into trouble? Tell us about that incident.

2. How do you feel about the dentist? On a scale of 1 (terrified) to 10 (he’s like a brother to you). And, if it’s a low number … is there a reason behind your fear / loathing? Tell us a dentist story (we all have them!)

3. If you could interview anyone, who would you interview, and what would the first question be?

4. What did you do over the weekend?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Sue
2. Jodi
3. Judy
4. Dawn\’s Daily Life
5. Jen @ mommablogsalot (last one is incorrect)
6. Thea @ I\’m a Drama Mama
7. Becki

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – October 20th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

October 20th Questions:

1.What is your earliest memory of a library? Who took you? Do you have any funny/odd memories of the library?

2. What two things are at the top of your to-do list? When do you think you’ll get around to doing those things? How good are you at crossing things off your to-do list?

3. Where do you come in the family? Are you the oldest? Youngest? Only child? Or smack in the middle? How do you think this has affected the way you grew up? Would you agree with your birth order personality? Are you happy with your birth order, or do you wish you had been the oldest/youngest, etc.

4. If it wasn’t for ________ , I would ________.

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. JHS
2. Jodi
3. Marianne
4. Thea @ I\’m a Drama Mama
5. Carolyn
6. Jen @ mommablogsalot
7. Dawn\’s Daily Life
8. Sue
9. Oregonsunshine

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – October 13th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday morning. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

October 13th Questions:

1.If your children are going trick-or-treating this year, what costumes are they wearing? Do you take them door-to-door or do you take them to a sponsored event? Tell us about the last time you dressed up for Halloween. How do you feel about Halloween in general?

2. Do your friends and family read your blog? How does this knowledge affect your writing? Do you feel like you can totally be yourself on your blog? Where do you draw the line when it comes to disclosing too much about your life on your blog?

3. Are you an early bird or a night owl? What do you like to do in the early morning hours or late at night? How do your sleeping patterns affect the rest of your family?

4. Do you lie about your age? Why or why not?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Marianne
2. Jodi
3. Judy
4. Dawn\’s Daily Life
5. Sue
6. Rachel
7. Oregonsunshine
8. Nicole
9. PhoenixTheBloggingMama

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – October 6th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday morning. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

October 6th Questions:

1. Do you have certain times of the day when you have to have things done? Does your day run on a timetable? Or are you more of a laissez-faire kind of person?

2. What one word describes you on a good day? What about on a bad day? What one word would your best friend use to describe you? What one word would your significant other use to describe you?

3. Your blog is being made into a television show. What kind of show will it be? Sit-com? Drama? How long is it? Hour? Half-hour? Sunday night movie? And most importantly, who are your show’s sponsors?

4. What is your favorite perfume or cologne? How often do you wear perfume or cologne? Has anyone ever told you smelled good/bad? If so, how did that make you feel? Flattered? Self-conscious? Uncomfortable?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Marianne
2. Judy
3. Sue
4. Jodi
5. Thea @ I\’m a Drama Mama
6. Oregonsunshine
7. Rachel

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.


The October photo contest has started!! Don’t miss out on a chance to win a great prize!

Photo Contest at

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – September 29th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday morning. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

September 29th Questions:

1. How do you define happiness?

2. What did you have for breakfast? (If not this morning, tell us what you had the last time you had breakfast).

3. On a scale of one to ten, how sick are you of the presidential campaign? Do you talk about politics on your blog? What about in real life? Why or why not?

4. What about your life today would surprise your teen-aged self?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Marianne
2. Sue
3. Judy
4. Jodi
5. Carolyn
6. Jen
7. Dawn\’s Daily Life
8. an URGENTish open letter to John Mayer (Jen @ mommablogsalot)
9. Jen @ mommablogsalot

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.


Have you put your name into the comment pot for a FREE BOOK?!

Win a FREE book at

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – September 22nd

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday morning. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

September 22nd Questions:

1. What did you do over the weekend? (Saturday and Sunday – be specific, please. Remember, this is a journal about your life, so, tell us about your life. *smile*)

2. Which are scarier to you: ghosts or aliens? Why? Do you believe in either/both? Why or why not?

3. I can’t live without my _________. Now, please tell us why you can’t live without it.

4. What is the cheesiest movie you ever saw, and secretly enjoyed? Why did you enjoy it so much?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Jodi
2. Sue
3. Miriam
4. annie
5. Susan
6. Stacy

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Monday Morning Meme

Monday Morning Meme – September 15th

All you have to do is answer the questions below either in the comment section, or on your blog. And elaborate! Make these questions show your unique and special personalities. This meme entry will post at 12:01 every Monday morning and will be the first postentry listed on WFK all day Monday morning. (This is an all-day Monday meme, so please, play all day!)

Monday Morning Meme at

September 15th Questions:

1. Are you brunette? Blonde? Auburn? And is it natural? If you could pick any type of hair you wanted, the style and color, what would it be? (Can you link us to a picture?)

2. How did your car get that little scratch/dent? (Because let’s face it, we ALL have car stories, right? If, for some reason you don’t, tell us about how someone else’s car got that scratch/dent).

3. In your opinion, what is the worst-tasting candy? Now, what is the best-tasting candy? How often do you eat candy? Do you keep it around your house? Do you allow your children to eat very much candy?

4. Are you easily agitated? What really makes your temper soar? Do you stay angry for a long time? Or do you get over it pretty fast?

Monday Morning Meme Participants

1. Marianne
2. Alisha
3. Sue
4. Jodi
5. Judy
6. Brandi
7. Jen @ mommablogsalot
8. Becki
9. Dawn\’s Daily Life
10. Sherry
11. Stacy

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.