July To-Be-Read Stack


I have a bonus book listed this month: How to Write a Novella in 24 hours by one of my favorite authors right now, Andrew Mayne. 

But let’s be honest – I don’t know if I’ll get to it this month because it’s also July Camp NaNoWriMo. I plan on participating in the writing challenge but don’t hold your breath – if I had a dollar for every time I INTENDED to participate in the camps …

However, reading this book might inspire me to write a novella for Camp. So … we’ll see. In the meantime, it’s summer and I’m loving life. Nothing like placing a cherry on top of your summer with good books. 

What are you reading?


You can tell which book I’m currently reading by the Goodreads widget in the sidebar.

I’m all about Kindle e-books. I’m a hard core e-book reader. I haven’t read an actual book in quite a long time and I find that when I hold an actual book, it feels large and clunky. I much prefer my Kindle e-reader than an actual book. With that said, I get all of my books from Kindle Unlimited – I rarely, if ever, spend money on a book – it all goes into the $10 dollars a month I pay for Kindle Unlimited.

So, if you’re interested in reading lesser known authors and want to save a ton of money in books, join me!

I rarely read anything lower than a four-star review on Goodreads – I’ve come to trust the reviews of Goodreads readers. I stopped reading for a long time simply because every book I read was stupid, or disappointing and ultimately, a waste of time. (I feel the same with movies – haven’t watched movies, or TV, in about a year). I’ve had great luck sticking to this philosophy and most of the books I read are pretty good.

You can see my book ratings on my Goodreads account.

I have currently read 26 books out of 55.

Moving on, here is my July TBR stack:

  1. Drift (Rachel Hatch Book 1) by L.T. Ryan
  2. The Passenger by Daniel Hurst
  3. Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata
  4. Renegades by Marissa Meyer
  5. American Assassin: A Thriller (Mitch Rapp Book 1) by Vince Flynn

BONUS: How to Write a Novella in 24 Hours by Andrew Mayne

Happy Reading!